Publikationen von Sebastian Kübel

Zeitschriftenartikel (11)

Kübel, S., Deitzer, J., Frankenhuis, W. E., Ribeaud, D., Eisner, M., & Van Gelder, J.-L. (2024). Beyond the Situation: Hanging Out with Peers now is Associated with Short-Term Mindsets Later. Journal of Developmental and Life-Course Criminology. doi:10.1007/s40865-024-00249-2
Kilrea, K. A., Taylor, S., Bilodeau, C., Wittmann, M., Linares Gutiérrez, D., & Kübel, S. (2023). Measuring an Ongoing State of Wakefulness: The Development and Validation of the Inventory of Secular/Spiritual Wakefulness (WAKE). Journal of Humanistic Psychology. doi:10.1177/00221678231185891
Kübel, S., Deitzer, J., Frankenhuis, W. E., Ribeaud, D., Eisner, M. P., & Van Gelder, J.-L. (2023). The shortsighted victim: Short-term mindsets mediate the link between victimization and later offending. Journal of Criminal Justice, 86, 102062. doi:10.1016/j.jcrimjus.2023.102062
Werthmann, J., Tuschen-Caffier, B., Ströbele, L., Kübel, S., & Renner, F. (2023). Healthy cravings? Impact of imagined healthy food consumption on craving for healthy foods and motivation to eat healthily. Appetite, 183, 106458. doi:10.1016/j.appet.2023.106458
Rioux, P.-A., Chaumon, M., Demers, A., Fitzback-Fortin, H., Kübel, S., Lebrun, C., … Grondin, S. (2022). Psychological Time during the COVID-19 Lockdown: Canadian Data. Timing & Time Perception, 10(4), 326–343. doi:10.1163/22134468-bja10063
Micillo, L., Rioux, P.-A., Mendoza, E., Kübel, S., Cellini, N., Van Wassenhove, V., … Mioni, G. (2022). Time perspective predicts levels of anxiety and depression during the COVID-19 outbreak: A cross-cultural study. PLOS ONE, 17(9), e0269396. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0269396
Chaumon, M., Rioux, P.-A., Herbst, S. K., Spiousas, I., Kübel, S., Hiroyasu, G., … van Wassenhove, V. (2022). The Blursday database as a resource to study subjective temporalities during COVID-19. Nature Human Behaviour, 6, 1587–1599. doi:10.1038/s41562-022-01419-2
Kübel, S., Fiedler, H., & Wittmann, M. (2021). Red visual stimulation in the Ganzfeld leads to a relative overestimation of duration compared to green. PsyCh Journal, 10(1), 5–19. doi:10.1002/pchj.395
Kübel, S., & Wittmann, M. (2020). A German Validation of Four Questionnaires Crucial to the Study of Time Perception: BPS, CFC-14, SAQ, and MQT. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(22), 8477. doi:10.3390/ijerph17228477
Linares Gutierrez, D., Kübel, S., Giersch, A., Schmidt, S., Meissner, K., & Wittmann, M. (2019). Meditation-induced states, vagal tone, and breathing activity are related to changes in auditory temporal integration. Behavioral Sciences, 9(5), 51. doi:10.3390/bs9050051
Schmidt, S., Jo, H.-G., Wittmann, M., Ambach, W., & Kübel, S. (2019). Remote meditation support – a multimodal distant intention experiment. EXPLORE, 15(5), 334–339. doi:10.1016/j.explore.2018.12.002

Sonstige (1)

Deitzer, J., Kübel, S., & Van Gelder, J.-L. (2023). Kurzfristig denken, kriminell handeln Jahrbuch 2022 der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft.

Beitrag in Sammelwerk (3)

Beitrag in Sammelwerk
Flatten, C., Linares Gutiérrez, D., Kübel, S., Taylor, S., & Wittmann, M. (2024). Increased wakefulness as measured by the WAKE-16 is related to mindfulness and emotional self-regulation in experienced Buddhist meditators. In T. Dotan Ben-Soussan, J. Glicksohn, & N. Srinivasan (Hrsg.), The Neurophysiology of Silence (C): Creativity, Aesthetic Experience and Time. Progress in Brain Research (Bd. 287, S. 287–307). Elsevier. doi:10.1016/bs.pbr.2024.04.005
Beitrag in Sammelwerk
Kübel, S., & Wittmann, M. (2022). Zeitempfinden im Flow-Zustand. In M. Landes, E. Steiner, & T. Utz (Hrsg.), Kreativität und Innovation in Organisationen (S. 59–72). Berlin: Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-662-63117-1_4
Beitrag in Sammelwerk
Kübel, S. (2020). Zeitwahrnehmung. In S. Schinkel, F. Hösel, S.-M. Köhler, A. König, E. Schilling, J. Schreiber, … M. Zschach (Hrsg.), Zeit im Lebensverlauf (S. 359–364). Bielefeld: transcript Verlag. doi:10.14361/9783839448625-059
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