

Virtual Reality (VR) technology has begun to make waves within the field of criminology, with researchers and practitioners exploring its potential to deepen our understanding of criminal decision-making processes, to enhance behavioral interventions, and to offer novel opportu­ni­ties for offender rehabilitation. This work­­shop brings together researchers working with VR in criminology and related domains in different countries in Europe. The goal of the workshop is to share research findings, exchange ideas, and discuss future opportunities for the appli­ca­tion of VR to study crime and related behavioral phenomena. [mehr]

Smart City und GIS für räumliche Kriminalitätsanalysen


Illiberal and Populist Challenges to Liberal Constitutionalism: Theoretical, Institutional, and Practical Challenges

Accountability is a central concept in both law and moral philosophy. Indeed, accountability can be un­der­stood as the organizing concept around which other legal and moral concepts are organized, such as the authority of law or moral obligations. However, we believe that one aspect of accountability has received less attention than it deserves – the practices of accountability and their (dis)similarity in law and morality. To address this shortcoming, the workshop aims to bring together scholars from law and philoso­phy to explore and discuss the nature, function, and (meta-ethical) implications of accountability practices in both legal and moral contexts. [mehr]
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