Heads of project: Philipp-Alexander Hirsch, Milan Kuhli, Gideon Stiening Ernst Ferdinand Klein is one of the most prominent figures of the late German Enlightenment. A philosopher, scholar of criminal law, and reformer of the judiciary, he not only played an influential role in shaping academic discourse in these fields at the end of the 18th century. He also had a lasting impact on forming public opinion on the relevant socio-political issues in this context as a publicist.
Head of project: Michael Kilchling This comparative European study identifies and analyses the rules governing abrogation or temporary restrictions on civil and political rights imposed with criminal penalties. Historically, these restrictions originated with honour-related punishments common in the 18th, 19th and early 20th centuries.
Heads of project: Philipp-Alexander Hirsch, Martin Brecher What is the relationship between law and morality? Does legal philosophy merely apply general moral principles to particular circumstances that give rise to the need for law and its institutions? Or does law have its own kind of normativity, which cannot be reduced to morality?
Heads of project: T. Hörnle, R. Poscher, J. Arnold The project, which began during the COVID-19 pandemic, was completed in late 2024. It focused on the dilemmatic situation that requires choosing between patients who need life-saving resources. What should the criteria for the distribu-tion of resources be, and who should define them?
Head of project: Suheib Qaderi German criminal law provides a set of norms that (ostensibly) presuppose a moral judgment. For example, public prosecutors and courts have to judge questions of “reprehensibility,” “common decency,” and “base motives.” How are such assessments to be made in an ideologically neutral state?
Head of project: Gunda Wössner This project evaluates the treatment of sexual offenders in Saxony’s social therapeutic institutions through an analysis of the causes and rates of criminal relapse amongst sexual offenders, including an assessment of criminogenic factors, therapeutic measures, and the climate in the correctional facilities.
Head of project: Benjamin Vogel Globalization and digitalization have profoundly changed the relationship between nation states and the private sector in recent decades. Increasingly, private com-panies are creating and controlling the spaces in which economic and social interactions take place – for example, on the Internet or in financial markets.
Heads of project: Tatjana Hörnle, Carina Tetal The severity of criminal sanctions targeting the production, possession, and distribution of child pornography, that is, offenses involving child sexual exploitation material (CSEM), is often justified as necessary to prevent future child sexual abuse. This project examined the plausibility of this argument. In a first step, research-ers evaluated the current state of research in this area.
Head of project: Cristina Valega Chipoco During the past two decades, many transnational and domestic statutes that regulate the offence of rape have turned away from considering violence or threats as necessary modalities of the offence and have begun treating non-consent as its essential element. This transition can be seen in recent international human rights treaties and normative documents, judgments of international courts, and domestic legal reforms.
Head of project: James Angove This project centres on the concept of ‘stochastic terrorism’, an under-examined yet growing threat to public security. As described by leading scholars, stochastic terrorism involves ‘the use of mass media to provoke random acts of ideologically motivated violence that are statistically predictable but individually unpredictable’ (Hamm, M. S. & Spaaij, R. [2017]. The age of lone wolf terrorism. Columbia University Press).
Head of project: Linus Ensel The focus of this research project lies on the potential advantages of a partial rationalization of the sentencing process. This kind of intervention in the existing system would lead to a reduction of judicial discretion and would raise the question of the role human decision-making should play in the sentencing process.
Heads of project: Tatjana Hörnle, Elisa Hoven Which kind of criteria do citizens accept if the Corona crisis forces doctors to apply triage? Prof. Elisa Hoven, University of Leipzig, with support by the Max Planck Institute, has organized a survey. You can find the results below.