Publikationen von Dietrich Oberwittler

Zeitschriftenartikel (46)

Kaiser, F., Oberwittler, D., Janssen, H. J., & Hoffman, L. (2024). Exploring Heterogeneous Effects of Victimization on Changes in Fear of Crime: The Moderating Role of Neighborhood Conditions. Justice Quarterly, 1–30. doi:10.1080/07418825.2024.2304775
Oberwittler, D. (2023). Stellungnahme zur Verfassungsbeschwerde wegen Beschlagnahme von Forschungsunterlagen (1 BvR 2219/20). Kriminologie - Das Online-Journal | Criminology - The Online Journal, 5(2), 139–154. doi:10.18716/ojs/krimoj/2023.2.3
Schwarzenbach, A., Tankebe, J., & Oberwittler, D. (2023). In Their Own Hands: Young People and Self-Justice Retaliation in Germany. Crime & Delinquency, 69(1), 121–151. doi:10.1177/0011128720948032
Janssen, H. J., Oberwittler, D., & Gerstner, D. (2022). Dissecting Disorder Perceptions: Neighborhood Structure and the Moderating Role of Interethnic Contact and Xenophobic Attitudes. International Criminal Justice Review, 32(4), 429–456. doi:10.1177/1057567719896020
Köber, G., Oberwittler, D., & Wickes, R. (2022). Old age and fear of crime: cross-national evidence for a decreased impact of neighbourhood disadvantage in older age. Ageing & Society, 42(7), 1629–1658. doi:10.1017/S0144686X20001683
Oberwittler, D., & Roché, S. (2022). How institutional contexts shape police-adolescent encounters. A study of France and Germany. Policing and Society, 32(3), 378–410. doi:10.1080/10439463.2022.2037553
Janssen, H. J., Oberwittler, D., & Koeber, G. (2021). Victimization and Its Consequences for Well-Being: A Between- and Within-Person Analysis. Journal of Quantitative Criminology, 37(1), 101–140. doi:10.1007/s10940-019-09445-6
Svensson, R., & Oberwittler, D. (2021). Changing routine activities and the decline of youth crime: A repeated cross-sectional analysis of self-reported delinquency in Sweden, 1999–2017. Criminology, 59(2), 351–386. doi:10.1111/1745-9125.12273
Gerstner, D., Wickes, R., & Oberwittler, D. (2019). Collective Efficacy in Australian and German Neighborhoods: Testing Cross-Cultural Measurement Equivalence and Structural Correlates in a Multi-level SEM Framework. Social Indicators Research, 144(3), 1151–1177. doi:10.1007/s11205-019-02081-4
de Maillard, J., Hunold, D., Roché, S., & Oberwittler, D. (2018). Different styles of policing: discretionary power in street controls by the public police in France and Germany. Policing and Society - an International Journal of Research and Policy, 28(2), 175–188. doi:10.1080/10439463.2016.1194837
Gerstner, D., & Oberwittler, D. (2018). Who’s hanging out and what’s happening? A look at the interplay between unstructured socializing, crime propensity and delinquent peers using social network data. European journal of criminology: the journal of the European Society of Criminology, 15(1), 111–129. doi:10.1177/1477370817732194
Köber, G., & Oberwittler, D. (2018). How older people became less afraid of crime: an age-period-cohort analysis using repeated cross-sectional survey data. Social Science Research, 79, 211–225. doi:10.1016/j.ssresearch.2018.10.010
Weeke, A., & Oberwittler, D. (2018). A Comparison of Note Writers and No Note Writers in Homicide-Suicide Cases in Germany. Archives of Suicide Research, 22(1), 11–19. doi:10.1080/13811118.2017.1304307
Oberwittler, D., Janssen, H. J., & Gerstner, D. (2017). Unordnung und Unsicherheit in großstädtischen Wohn­gebie­ten: die überschätzte Rolle von "Broken Windows" und die Herausforderungen ethnischer Diversität. Soziale Probleme, 28(2), 181–205. doi:10.1007/s41059-017-0040-9
de Maillard, J., Hunold, D., Roché, S., Oberwittler, D., & Zagrodzki, M. (2016). Les logiques professionnelles et politiques du contrôle: Des styles de police différents en France et en Allemagne. Revue Française de Science Politique, 66(2), 271–293.
Hunold, D., Oberwittler, D., & Lukas, T. (2016). ‘I’d like to see your identity cards please’: negotiating authority in police–adolescent encounters: Findings from a mixed-method study of proactive police practices towards adolescents in two German cities. European Journal of Criminology, 13(5), 590–609. doi:10.1177/1477370816633724
Oberwittler, D. (2016). Kriminalstatistik: Lange Zeitreihen dokumentieren die Entwicklung von Verbrechen und Strafe. Informationsdienst Soziale Indikatoren, 55, 1–6.
Oberwittler, D. (2016). Jugendliche und Polizei: eine vergleichende Untersuchung zur Rolle verdachts­unab­hän­gi­ger Personenkontrollen in französischen und deutschen Städten. Recht der Jugend und des Bildungswesens, 64(4), 414–427. doi:10.5771/0034-1312-2016-4-414
Gerstner, D., & Oberwittler, D. (2015). Wer kennt wen und was geht ab? Ein netzwerkanalytischer Blick auf die Rolle delinquenter Peers im Rahmen der Situational Action Theory. Monatsschrift für Kriminologie und Strafrechtsreform, 98(3), 204–226. doi:10.1515/mks-2015-980304
Oberwittler, D., & Schwarzenbach, A. (2015). Police and adolescents in multi-ethnic societies: Findings of a comparative survey of adolescents in German and French cities. Siak-Journal - Journal for Police Science and Practice (International Edition), 5, 27–38. doi:10.7396/IE_2015_C
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