Effectiveness and Proportionality – Modern Challenges in Security Law and Criminal Justice


  • Beginn: 17.10.2019
  • Ende: 18.10.2019
  • Scien­ti­fic com­mit­tee: Dr. Em­ma­nouil Bil­lis | Dr. Nan­dor Knust | Prof. Jon Pet­ter Rui
  • Ort: Max-Planck-Institut für ausländisches und internationales Strafrecht
  • Gastgeber: Max Planck Institute (Otto Hahn Research Programme) and University of Bergen (Faculty of Law)
Effectiveness and Proportionality – Modern Challenges in Security Law and Criminal Justice
Spea­kers and dis­cus­si­on mo­de­ra­tors: Prof. em. Ant­ony Duff (keyno­te), Prof. Hans-Jörg Al­brecht, Prof. Ili­as Ana­gno­sto­pou­los, Prof. Lo­re­na Bach­mai­er, Dr. Em­ma­nouil Bil­lis, Prof. em. Mi­cha­el Bo­the, Prof. Johan Boucht, Prof. em. Ne­stor Coura­kis, Prof. Mar­kus Dubber (tbc), Prof. Tho­mas El­holm, Ema­nue­la-Chia­ra Gil­lard, LL.M., Prof. Tat­ja­na Hörn­le, Prof. John Jack­son, Dr. Kon­stan­ze Jar­vers (tbc), Dr. Nan­dor Knust, Prof. Claes Ler­nes­tedt, Prof. Rus­sell Mil­ler, Prof. Val­sa­mis Mit­si­legas (tbc), Prof. Chri­stos My­lo­no­pou­los, Dr. Va­gia Po­ly­zoi­dou, Prof. Ralf Po­scher, Prof. Ju­li­an Roberts, Prof. Jon Pet­ter Rui, Prof. Ul­rich Sie­ber, EC­tHR-Jud­ge Robert Spa­no, Prof. Ri­chard Vog­ler, Prof. em. Tho­mas Wei­gend, and Prof. Lu­cia Zed­ner.
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