Rachel Pougnet, Ph.D.



  • Citizenship Studies
  • Comparative Constitutional Law
  • Public Law
  • Socio-Legal Studies
  • National Security
  • Migration and Mobilities
  • Empire and Decolonization
  • Human Rights


Research Experience

  • Post-Doctoral Researcher (2023–ongoing), Max Planck Institute for the Study of Crime, Security and Law: Research project on citizenship and national security, leading to the publication of a monograph and peer-reviewed journal articles.
  • Research Associate (2021–2022), University of Manchester: Norwegian Research Council project “Rights, Institutions, Procedures, Participation, Litigation: Embedding Security” (RIPPLES). Principal Investigator (PI): Kristin Bergtora Sandvik; UK PI: Professor Chris Thornhill.
  • ESRC Postdoctoral Fellow (2020–2021), University of Bristol Law School: Senior Research Associate (PI) on ESRC-funded project “Citizenship Deprivation and National Security in France and the UK.”

Teaching Experience

  • Teaching Associate (2021–2023), University of Bristol Law School:  Seminar leader in Constitutional Rights; Law and State; British Immigration Nationality and Citizenship.
  • Visiting Lecturer (2021–2022), University of Edinburgh: Planned and delivered two seminars in Citizenship Law: “National and Global Perspectives”; “Citizenship in Europe.”
  • Tutor (2016–2020), University of Bristol Law School: Seminar leader in Constitutional Rights.

Academic Qualifications

  • Ph.D. (2015–2020), University of Bristol, funded by the ESRC +3 award: “Cancellation of citizenship and national security: a comparison between France and the UK,” awarded in March 2020.
  • Master in Law (2013–2015), University of Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne: Master 1 in International Law and Master 2 in International Law and International Organizations.
  • LLB (2010–2013), University of Montaigne Montesquieu Bordeaux IV: Licence in Law. Erasmus, University of Bristol Law School (2012–2013). Classe préparatoire to enter the Ecole Normale Supérieure Paris-Saclay (2010–2012) [ENS Cachan D1].


Staatsbürgerschaft im Anti-Terror Staat: Aus den Sicher­heitsmaßnahmen in Frankreich und dem Vereinigten Königreich lernen

Projektleitung: Rachel Pougnet
Dieses vergleichende, rechtssoziologische Projekt untersucht die immer häufiger auftretende Nutzung und (Neu)Ge­stal­tung der Staatsbürgerschaft im nationalen Sicherheitskontext durch den Staat. mehr
