Georges Seurat, Bathers at Asnierés, 1884, oil on canvas, National Gallery, London

Senses of Civil Order

The idea of “civil order” produces an idealized image of a well-ordered society, ob­scur­ing complex realities of inequality, violence, and repression, and reinforc­ing boundaries between those who abide by norms of civility and those who do not. The focus of this workshop will be on the aesthetic dimension of civil order: on the sensual experiences that give civic life the semblance of orderliness, through images, representations, architecture, symbols, and processes of exclusion. By attending to the ways in which modern state power organizes the phenomenal world, we explore how the deliberate generation of affects, atmospheres, and emotional states shapes the many senses of civil order.


Expected outcome: workshop, edited volume
Project language: English
Photo: © GiorgioMorara –

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