Research Stay

Research Stay

The Max Planck Institute for the Study of Crime, Security and Law welcomes external scholars to conduct research in criminal law, criminology, public law, legal theory, and legal philosophy on a temporary basis. Because the number of research places is limited, we unfortunately cannot consider every application. Selection is based on the quality of the submitted research proposal (innovative research questions; precise mapping of the current state of the art). If you are planning to apply for a scholarship from the German Academic Ex­change Service (DAAD), the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (AvH), or any other research institution, we kindly ask you to secure your research place at the Institute first and then apply for the desired grant.

In compliance with the rules of the Max Planck Society, all arriving guest scholars must enter into a Guest Res­id­en­cy Agree­ment with the Institute for the duration of their expected research stay.


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