Working at the Institute
With a comprehensive orientation list we route you through all necessary steps as well as services, facilities and the departments at the Institute.
To make your start at the Institute as easy as possible, please take a look at this orientation list:
- As a new employee, you will be given an access chip at the front desk (a deposit of €26 is required). Our receptionists at the front desk will set up a mailbox for you as well.
- Introduction of building, structures and ways within the building, administration (especially Human Resources), cafeteria, central facilities, etc. by your department’s secretarial offices.
- Appointment with our IT Department to get login data for email account and other IT infrastructure such as eduroam, VPN and servers and arrange for computer, screens and software.
- Introduction to the library services.
- Read through the “info sheet for new employees at MPI-CSL” (accessible on the Institute’s Intranet: Regularly check the Institute for updates, current information, and important documents that will guide your time here at the Institute!).
If you ever have a question but you are not sure who to ask, please reach out to your director’s secretarial office.
After you have arrived at the Institute and already settled down a bit, there are some things we would like to draw your attention to: German classes, work & family, career development offerings and more…
Learning German
Learning German
The MPI-CSL offers regular in-house German and English courses for their staff. Please get in contact with Ms. Monika Trescher, Purchasing Department,
Work & Family
Work & Family
Not travelling alone? No problem. Your nearest and dearest are welcome. And we will do everything we can to make them feel at home: in Germany you will find family-oriented regulations that allow your spouse or partner to join you and work here, essential facilities such as nurseries and schools, as well as financial and legal support for you and your family.
For details visit our website Work & Family and please contact the Institute’s Gender Equality Officer:, the Institute’s Human Resources:, and the Institute’s Onboarding Officer:
Career Development
Career Development
The advancement of young scientists and the facilitation of attractive career paths for all employees is a major concern of the MPI-CSL. The Max Planck Society offers all employees Max Planck-wide, target-group-specific opportunities for further training and personal career development. Whether special welcome and support offers for managers, coaching for directors or postdocs, professional and personal career development for early career researchers or advanced training opportunities for science managers – the Planck Academy bundles all these offers under one roof.
Career Advancement for Women
Career Advancement for Women
The MPI-CSL is committed to the promotion of excellent women in science. We actively support outstanding female scientists through various career-promoting measures and programs. For details please contact the Institute’s Gender Equality Officer.
For further information on working at the Max Planck Society we recommend a visit at the Max Planck Society Intranet: (choose our Institute, username: your MPI email address, password: the same password you use for your MPI computer). The Intranet by the Max Planck Society gives access to
- news and appointments from the Max Planck Society
- background information and contact persons on all relevant administrative departments from the Max Planck Society
- an overview on all services for employees (Career, family, health & safety)
- social features such as team rooms as well as networks, boards and commissions
- the Planck Academy
In the Max Planck Society Intranet you can find the Learning Management System (LMS) and the Organisationshandbuch (OHB) which includes all applicable regulations within the Max Planck Society.
Networks & Communities
There are several strong networks within the Max Planck Society to support exchange and communication. Among them are the PhD and the Postdoc Community:
Max Planck PhDNet
Max Planck PostdocNet
Max Planck Law
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