List of Publications
Book (595)
Poscher, R. (2024). Polizei- und Ordnungsrecht: mit Versammlungsrecht (13. Aufl.) Grundrisse des Rechts. München: C.H. Beck.
, & Poscher, R. (2024). Existenz und Geltung des Rechts (Vol. 58) Würzburger Vorträge zur Rechtsphilosophie, Rechtstheorie und Rechtssoziologie. Baden-Baden: Nomos. doi:10.5771/9783748949794
Stein, S. K. (2024). Der privatisierte Krieg: private Militärdienstleister zwischen staatlichen Aufgaben und staatlichem Aufgeben (Vol. 207) Jus Internationale et Europaeum. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.
Collected Editions
Collected Edition (368)
(Ed.). (2024). Activity Report 2022-2024. Freiburg, i. Br.: Max Planck Institute for the Study of Crime, Security and Law. doi:10.30709/2024-001
Gless, S., & (Eds.). (2024). Human-robot interaction in law and its narratives: Legal blame, procedure, and criminal law. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. doi:10.1017/9781009431453
Behrendt, S. (Eds.). (2024). Digitalisierung des Rechts. Berlin: De Gruyter. doi:10.1515/9783111343341
, , , , & Journal Articles
Journal Article (2303)
Seidl, A., , & Thielmann, I. (in press). A partner in crime: Revisiting the dispositional basis of unethical loyalty. European Journal of Personality.
Poscher, R. (2024). What would it take? The potential and limits of proportionality analysis in law. Jurisprudence. doi:10.1080/20403313.2024.2419755
Natter, L. (2024). The shadow of the financial crisis: Socio-economic and welfare policy development and fear of crime in Europe. A random effects within-between model analysis of the European Social Survey, 2002–2018. Social Indicators Research. doi:10.1007/s11205-024-03460-2
Contributions to a Collected Edition
Contribution to a Collected edition (2178)
Coca-Vila, I. (2025). The criminal law of triage: A rights-based approach to justificatory defences. In , , & (Eds.), The Routledge International Handbook of Criminal Responsibility (pp. 193–205). London: Routledge.
Valega Chipoco, C. (2024). ¿Cómo entender el elemento del libre consentimiento de violación sexual?: Lineamientos jurídicos para interpretar el artículo 170° del Código Penal. In & (Eds.), Estudios sobre Género y Derecho (pp. 17–66). Asociación Civil Derecho y Sociedad.
Pougnet, R. (2024). Retour de la déchéance de nationalité au XXIème siècle: Entre politisation de l'appartenance, État contre-terroriste, et le cas particulier du Royaume-Uni. In & (Eds.), Perdre sa nationalité (pp. 85–94). Paris: Dalloz.
Contributions to a Commentary
Contribution to a Commentary (338)
Payer, A. (2023). Kommentierung zu Art. 32 IRSG. In & (Eds.), Onlinekommentar zum Bundesgesetz über internationale Rechtshilfe in Strafsachen – Version: 08.09.2023. doi:10.17176/20230908-111231-0
Coca-Vila, I. (2023). § 11 Abs. 3 StGB. In , , & (Eds.), Medienstrafrecht (pp. 516–523). Baden-Baden: Nomos.
Albrecht, H.-J. (2023). Verhängung in Tagessätzen, § 40. In , , , & (Eds.), Nomos Kommentar zum Strafgesetzbuch (pp. 117–140). Baden-Baden: Nomos.
Stein, S. K. (2024, November 8). Live Interview zu den laufenden Strafverfahren gegen Donald Trump nach seiner Wiederwahl. SRF4 News.
Martin, E. (2024, October). New Criminological Literature in Europe: Selected Bibliography. European Journal of Crime, Criminal Law and Criminal Justice. doi:10.1163/15718174-32030003
Martin, E. (2024, October). New Literature in European Criminal Law: Selected Bibliography. European Journal of Crime, Criminal Law and Criminal Justice. doi:10.1163/15718174-32030004
Working Paper
Rusch, H., & Thielmann, I. (2024, August 19). Untangling altruism and parochialism in human intergroup conflict GSBE Research Memoranda. Maastricht University, Graduate School of Business and Economics. doi:10.26481/umagsb.2024009
, ,
Hirsch, P.-A., & (Eds.). (in press). Relational Morality and the Criminal Law. Criminal Law and Philosophy.
Stein, S. K. (2024, July 2). Live Interview zum Urteil des Supreme Courts zur Immunität von Donald Trump. SRF4 News.