Barbara Huber Scholarship Program

Who can participate in the program?

The program is open to outstanding academics from foreign research institutions for particularly innovative research projects that contribute significantly to scientific progress through new perspective, questions, or findings in the subject areas of Criminology, Public Law, or Criminal Law. Each department may award one Barbara Huber Scholarship per calendar year.  

Required documents

  • CV
  • List of academic publications
  • A maximum of three German or English publications (PDF)
  • Description of the research project (5–10 pages)

Scholarship duration

The scholarships are awarded for a research stay at the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Crime, Security and Law for a period of two to a maximum of six months.

Scholarship amount

The scholarship amounts to EUR 1,365.00 per month for doctoral candidates, EUR 2,500.00 for postdocs, and EUR 3,000.00 for professors and experienced researchers. In addition to the monthly scholarship, a grant can also be awarded for expenses in connection with participation in an academic event or further research activities in Germany or other (European) countries.

Health insurance

All scholarship holders must have health insurance. Please ensure that you have adequate health insurance and provide us with proof of this.

Application deadline

Applications for scholarships for the following year must be submitted by
31 May of the previous year.

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