
Doctoral, Postdoctoral, and Senior Fellows

If you are unable to finance a research stay at the MPI from your own funds, you can apply for financial support to cover the costs of travel and accommodation in Freiburg. A limited number of scholarships are available. As a rule, scholarships are awarded for a period of two to four months. Scholarship holders are expected to participate in the scientific exchange of the respective department of the Institute.

Who qualifies for the scholarship program?

  • Doctoral students from foreign research institutions as well as doctoral students from German research institutions who are not working on their doctorate under the directors of the institute
  • Postdocs from foreign research institutions
  • Professors and experienced scientists from foreign research institutions

Required documents

  • Curriculum Vitae
  • List of publications
  • One to three scholarly publications in German or English (PDF format)
  • Description of the research project (5–10 pages).

Doctoral students are not necessarily expected to submit publications; however, they should submit a more detailed research plan (approx. 10 pages).

  • Diplom degree certificates
  • Doctoral degree certificate

Duration of scholarships

Scholarships are typically awarded for a period of two to four months. The rules of the Max Planck Society do not allow doctoral scholarships of more than six months.

Amount of the scholarship

The scholarship amount is

  • up to 1,365.00 EUR per month (Doctoral students)
  • up to 2,500.00 EUR per month (Postdocs)

Professors and experienced researchers from foreign research institutions can also receive a scholarship of up to 3,000.00 EUR per month for expenses associated with their research stay at the Institute. In exceptional cases, a larger grant may be awarded if special circumstances apply.

As a general rule, the Institute does not reimburse travel expenses.

Health insurance

All scholarship recipients must have health insurance. Please make sure you have sufficient coverage and provide us with proof of insurance.


Applications for scholarships for the following year must be submitted by
31 October
of the previous year.

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