Department of Criminal Law

Completed Projects

I. Foundations

Social Rehabilitation and Criminal Justice

The rehabilitative ideal of criminal justice is again at a critical crossroads. Over the course of the 20th century, various normative models of rehabilitation were theorized and implemented. From among these, recent trends in legal scholar­ship and jurisprudence have increasingly embraced “social”… more

Necessity and the State’s Monopoly on the Use of Force

Reason for and Scope of the Primacy of State Procedures in the Context of Section 34 German Criminal Code more

Taking Monetary Punishments Seriously

Although theoretical work on the concept of punishment still fo­cuses almost exclusively on custodial sentences (i.e., impris­on­ment), statistics show that the principal penalty employed by European criminal justice systems – at least in quantitative terms – is the fine. In Germany, for example… more

Mitigation for Failed Attempts

Joel Feinberg once noted, “Every bona fide philosopher of law tries his hand at least once at the ancient problem of punishing failed attempts“ (37 Arizona Law Review 117 [1995]). While this is certainly true of Anglo-Americans, contempo­rary German jurists have remained surprisingly silent on the… more

II. Regulating Intimate Relations

§§ 174-182 German Criminal Code (Offenses Against Sexual Self-Determination)

In the decade since 2010, the section on sexual offenses in the German Criminal Code has undergone multiple changes. These developments are traced for the most comprehensive commentary to the German Criminal Code, the “Leipziger Kommentar StGB”. The Commentary collects and analyzes policy… more

Sexual Assault Law: Law Reform in a Comparative Perspective

Traditional criminal laws defined sexual assault as a crime that required violence or threats of violence. Paradigms have shifted: present-day law reforms in various countries focus on lack of consent. There are, however, different approaches regarding how to transform this notion into offense… more

The “Codice Rosso”: New Measures against Gender-Based and Domestic Violence in Italy

Almost one in three Italian women between the ages of 16 and 70 (6,788,000) have been victims of physical or sexual violence at some point in their lives. Approximately half of these violent experiences were caused by a (former) partner. The discussion surrounding the issue of violence against… more

Surrogacy – Interdisciplinary Analysis and International Perspective

Surrogacy is an internationally controversial method of medically-assisted re­production. Legislation in Germany pro­scribes medical assistance in impreg­nating a surrogate and forbids acting as an agent between intended par­ents and surrogates. As a result, the practice of surrogacy is de facto… more

III. Criminal Law in Fragmented Societies

No entries at this time.

IV. Other Projects

NetzDG and Human Rights

The past five years have posed new challenges for Europe and the entire world: A rapid spread of digital violence and online “hate speech”, including image-based harassment, fake news, disinformation, propaganda, racism and xenophobia have become a steadily growing social problem fueled by migration… more

Secret Evidence in Criminal Proceedings

In addition to politically motivated violence and hostile states, legal orders in Europe today are increasingly con­fronted with profit-driven organised crime that is integrated into globally-operating criminal networks and at the same time entrenched in European societies. In view of the… more

Examining Prospective Jurors

The Sensitivities of Probing for Racial Bias more

Doing Jury Work

Proving Impartiality in State of Minnesota v. Derek Chauvin more

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