Publications of Nandor Knust

Contribution to a Collected edition (11)

Contribution to a Collected edition
Knust, N., Hess , M., & Schuon , C. (2007). Implementation of the Rome Statute in Germany. In T. Tiittala (Ed.), Finnish Yearbook of International Law (Vol. 16, pp. 133–161).

Collected Edition (1)

Collected Edition
Sieber, U., Mitsilegas, V., Mylonopoulos, C., Billis, E., & Knust, N. (Eds.). (2018). Alternative systems of crime control (Vol. S 161) Schriftenreihe des Max-Planck-Instituts für ausländisches und internationales Strafrecht: Strafrechtliche Forschungsberichte. Berlin: Duncker & Humblot. doi:10.30709/978-3-86113-786-3

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