Morten Boe, LL.M.

Doctoral Researcher

Main Focus

  • Foundations and core concepts of criminal law
  • International criminal law
  • Presumption of innocence and judicial impartiality

Curriculum Vitae

1 September – 31 October 2023: Visiting Junior Fellow, Centre for Criminology & Sociolegal Studies, University of Toronto

Since October 2020: Doctoral Researcher at the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Crime, Security and Law, Department of Criminal Law, Prof. Dr. Tatjana Hörnle, M.A. (Rutgers)

2019–2020: Master of Laws (LL.M.), University of Amsterdam (International and Transnational Criminal Law)

2019: First State Exam (Law)

2016–2017: Erasmus Exchange, Queen Mary University of London

2013–2019: Study of Law, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin


“Guilt” and its Significance for (German) Criminal Law

Head of project: Morten Boe
Guilt is the focal point of (German) criminal law: it is a prerequisite of pun­ish­ment, is guaranteed by the constitu­tional principle of guilt, and is the epitome of the general systemic decision to adopt a culpability-based criminal law. more

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