News & Bulletins

You can find information here about recent news and announcements concerning research, publications, and events that relate to the Institute. You are also welcome to follow us on X (@MPICSL) and LinkedIn.

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Killing Women for Being Women

Media Coverage of Freiburg's Femicide Project more

Elisa Orrù Joins BKA Research Advisory Board

Researcher to Contribute Valuable Insights to Germany’s Federal Criminal Police Office more

Issue 4/2024 of the online journal eucrim now available

eucrim is an online journal that offers a Europe-wide platform for European “crimistrative” law and invites both practitioners and academics to engage in discussion. more

Heith Copes Enhances Crime Research at Max Planck Institute

Scholar in Residence has been exploring criminal motives and decision-making through qualitative methods and narrative theory more

Marie Curie Fellowship for Lennart Reddmann

Max Planck postdoc receives prestigious funding from the European Commission more

ZuRecht - The Police in an Open Society

Results of research project published in edited volume more

From Present to Prison

From Present to Prison

February 03, 2025

Short-term Mindsets Theory (STMT) Set to Revolutionize the Study of Crime more

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