Professional Memberships and Activities

Prof. Al­brecht is co-ed­it­or of the fol­low­ing series and journ­als:

  • Series at the Max Planck In­sti­tute for For­eign and In­ter­na­tion­al Crim­in­al Law:
    • Re­ports on Re­search in Crim­in­o­logy,
    • In­ter­dis­cip­lin­ary Re­search in Crim­in­al Law and Crim­in­o­logy,
    • Pub­lic­a­tions of the Max Planck Part­ner Group for Balkan Crim­in­o­logy (Balkan Crim­in­o­logy Series),
    • For­eign Crim­in­al Laws in Trans­la­tion,
  • Mon­atss­chrift für Krim­in­o­lo­gie und Stra­frecht­s­re­form,
  • European Journ­al for Se­cur­ity Re­search,
  • Dévi­ance et So­ciété,
  • Recht der Ju­gend und des Bildung­swe­sens,
  • Zivile Sich­er­heit. Schriften zum Fach­dia­log Sich­er­heits­forschung,
  • For­eign press re­view of the "Zeits­chrift für die ges­amte Stra­frecht­swis­senschaft" (ZStW).

Prof. Al­brecht is on the ed­it­or­i­al board of the journ­al "F3 – Free­dom from Fear" and the ad­vis­ory boards for the journ­als "Sucht­ther­apie," "In­ter­na­tion­al Journ­al of Policy and Prac­tice," "Po­lice Prac­tice and Re­search – An In­ter­na­tion­al Journ­al," "Stud­ies on Crime and Crime Pre­ven­tion," "Rev­ista de Derecho Pen­al y Crim­in­o­lo­gía," the "European Journ­al of Crim­in­o­logy," "Crime & Justice In­ter­na­tion­al," and "Crim­in­o­logy and Crim­in­al Justice." He is ré­dac­teur as­so­cié of the journ­al "Revue in­ter­na­tionale de crim­in­o­lo­gie et de po­lice tech­nique et sci­en­ti­fique."

Prof. Al­brecht is a mem­ber of the sci­entif­ic coun­cil of the In­sti­tute for In­ter­dis­cip­lin­ary Re­search on Con­flict and Vi­ol­ence, in Biele­feld, Ger­many, and a mem­ber of the ad­vis­ory board of the Ger­man Na­tion­al Aca­dem­ic Found­a­tion. He is a mem­ber of the Centre for Crim­in­o­logy (KrimZ), the Krim­in­o­lo­gis­che Gesell­schaft (KrimG), the Groupe Européen de Recherches sur les Norm­ativ­ités (GERN), the European So­ci­ety of Crim­in­o­logy, the Amer­ic­an So­ci­ety of Crim­in­o­logy and the Academy of Crim­in­al Justice Sci­ences.

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