Locked Up and Left Behind? Legal and Practical Conditions for Telephone Contacts of Imprisoned People

Locked Up and Left Behind? Legal and Practical Conditions for Telephone Contacts of Imprisoned People

Access to telephone and other forms of electronic communication is one of the areas in which prison conditions vary significantly in Germany. The divergent conditions raise several fundamental human rights concerns, such as equal treatment of inmates, the right of resocialization, and the rights to privacy and family life. This research pro­ject provides a theoretical and empirically substantiated analysis of the impact and significance of telephone com­mu­nication for resocialization and recidivism. German practices were also examined in light of the Council of Eu­rope’s standards for inmates’ contacts with the outside world. An overview of key observations from the CPT’s country reports regarding telephone communication of prisoners completes the project.


Research outcome: expert opinion and publication
Time frame: 2021–2022
Project language: German
Project status: completed
Photo: © Badische Zeitung/Ingo Schneider



Kilchling, M., & Wössner, G. (2022). Eingesperrt und abgehängt? Gefangenentelefonie im Lichte des Resozialisierungsanspruchs, des rechtlichen Rahmens und der Praxis im Ländervergleich (Vol. 23) Kölner Schriften zur Kriminologie und Kriminalpolitik. Baden-Baden: Nomos. doi:10.5771/9783748936824

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MPI-Gutachten zu Gefangenentelefonie
Wissenschaftliche Analyse und ver­glei­chen­der Überblick in Deutschland und Europa

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