Contribution to a Collected edition (20)

Contribution to a Collected edition
Oberwittler, D. (2018). Anomie. In J. Kopp & A. Steinbach (Eds.), Grundbegriffe der Soziologie, 12. Aufl. (pp. 13–16). Wiesbaden: Springer VS. doi:10.1007/978-3-658-20978-0_4
Contribution to a Collected edition
Oberwittler, D. (2018). Abweichendes Verhalten. In J. Kopp & A. Steinbach (Eds.), Grundbegriffe der Soziologie, 12. Aufl. (pp. 479–482). Wiesbaden: Springer VS. doi:10.1007/978-3-658-20978-0_92
Contribution to a Collected edition
Oberwittler, D., & Roché, S. (2018). Ethnic disparities in police-initiated controls of adolescents and attitudes towards the police in France and Germany: A tale of four cities. In D. Oberwittler & S. Roché (Eds.), Police-Citizen Relations Across the World. Comparing sources and contexts of trust and legitimacy (pp. 73–107) Routledge Frontiers of Criminal Justice. London: Routledge.
Contribution to a Collected edition
Rigoni, C. (2018). Crime, diversity, culture, and cultural defence. In H. N. Pontell (Ed.), Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Criminology and Criminal Justice (pp. 1–29). Oxford: Oxford University Press. doi:10.1093/acrefore/9780190264079.013.409
Contribution to a Collected edition
Roché, S., & Oberwittler, D. (2018). Towards a broader view of police-citizen relations: how societal cleavages and political contexts shape trust and distrust, legitimacy and illegitimacy. In D. Oberwittler & S. Roché (Eds.), Police-Citizen Relations Across the World. Comparing sources and contexts of trust and legitimacy (pp. 3–26) Routledge Frontiers of Criminal Justice. London: Routledge.
Contribution to a Collected edition
Roché, S., Schwarzenbach, A., de Maillard, J., & Oberwittler, D. (2018). Adolescents’ divergent ethnic and religious identities and trust in the police. Combining micro- and macro-level determinants in a comparative analysis in France and Germany. In D. Oberwittler & S. Roché (Eds.), Police-Citizen Relations Across the World. Comparing sources and contexts of trust and legitimacy (pp. 175–195) Routledge Frontiers of Criminal Justice. London: Routledge.
Contribution to a Collected edition
Schenk, A. (2018). Victim Support for Victims of Corporate Crime and Corporate Violence. In G. Forti (Ed.), C. Mazzucato, A. Visconti, & S. Giavazzi, Victims and Corporations. Legal Challenges and Empirical Findings (pp. 219–234). Milano: Cedam.
Contribution to a Collected edition
Schwarzenbach, A. (2018). Fighting the "Threat from Within": France and Its Counter-Radicalization Strategy. In L. Vidino (Ed.), De-Radicalization in the Mediterranean. Comparing Challenges and Approaches (pp. 21–33). Milano: Ledizioni LediPublishing.
Contribution to a Collected edition
Tetal, C. (2018). Die Wirkung strafrechtlicher Sanktionen auf die Legalbewährung. In M. Walsh, B. Pniewski, M. Kober, & A. Armborst (Eds.), Evidenzorientierte Kriminalprävention in Deutschland. Ein Leitfaden für Politik und Praxis (pp. 533–556). Wiesbaden: Springer VS. doi:10.1007/978-3-658-20506-5_28
Contribution to a Collected edition
Tetal, C. (2018). Hat die Art der strafrechtlichen Sanktion Einfluss auf die Legalbewährung? In K. Boers & M. Schaerff (Eds.), Kriminologische Welt in Bewegung (pp. 445–450) Neue Kriminologische Schriftenreihe. Mönchengladbach: Forum Verlag Godesberg.
Contribution to a Collected edition
Tetal, C., & Bieschke, V. (2018). Evaluation der "Differenzierten Leistungsgestaltung" bei den sozialen Diensten in der Justiz des Landes Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. In K. Boers & M. Schaerff (Eds.), Kriminologische Welt in Bewegung (pp. 517–537) Neue Kriminologische Schriftenreihe. Mönchengladbach: Forum Verlag Godesberg.

Collected Edition (1)

Collected Edition
Oberwittler, D., & Roché, S. (Eds.). (2018). Police-Citizen Relations Across the World: Comparing sources and contexts of trust and legitimacy Routledge Frontiers of Criminal Justice. London: Routledge.

Editorial (1)

Bollhöfer, E., & Kilchling, M. (2018). Vorwort. Wirtschaftsspionage, Konkurrenzausspähung: "Jedes dritte Unternehmen ist betroffen. Schützen Sie Ihr Know-how!". Max-Planck-Institut für ausländisches und internationaes Strafrecht.
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