Sarah Katharina Stein Nominated
Doctoral thesis in law shortlisted by the Körber Foundation
Sarah Katharina Stein has been nominated for the Deutscher Studienpreis 2024 [German Thesis Award 2024] by the Körber Foundation. The Max Planck researcher made it onto the shortlist with her dissertation “Staatliche Aufgaben oder staatliches Aufgeben? Die Gefahren militärischen Outsourcings” [State Mandate or State of Abandonment? The dangers of military outsourcing]. 32 academic works were shortlisted, ten of which were from the humanities and cultural sciences. A total of 719 doctoral theses had been submitted.

The final round of the competition is scheduled for the end of June/beginning of July. The top prize of 25,000 euros and two second prizes of 5000 euros will be awarded in each of the three sections: social sciences, natural and technical sciences, and humanities and cultural sciences.
Sarah Katharina Stein joined the Department of Public Law at the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Crime, Security and Law as a postdoc in May 2024. She submitted her doctoral thesis, “Der privatisierte Krieg. Private Militärdienstleister zwischen staatlichen Aufgaben und staatlichem Aufgeben“ [The Privatised War. Private Military Contractors between State Tasks and State Abandonment], to the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU Munich).
The Körber Foundation’s German Thesis Prize is awarded annually to doctoral students who have worked on socially relevant topics in their dissertations and presented tangible results. The patron of the research prize is the President of the Bundestag, Bärbel Bas.