Publications of Hannes Rusch

Journal Article (25)

Journal Article
Frey, U., & Rusch, H. (2013). Using Artificial Neural Networks for the Analysis of Social-Ecological Systems. Ecology and Society, 18(2), 40. doi:10.5751/ES-05202-180240
Journal Article
Rusch, H. (2013). Asymmetries in Altruistic Behavior During Violent Intergroup Conflict. Evolutionary Psychology, 11(5), 973–993. doi:10.1177/147470491301100504
Journal Article
Rusch, H. (2013). What Niche Did Human Cooperativeness Evolve In? Etica e Politica, 15(2), 82–100.
Journal Article
Rusch, H., & Voland, E. (2013). Evolutionary Aesthetics: An Introduction to Key Concepts and Current Issues. Aisthesis, 6(2), 113–133. doi:10.13128/AISTHESIS-13773
Journal Article
Frey, U., & Rusch, H. (2012). An Evolutionary Perspective on the Long-Term Efficiency of Costly Punishment. Biology & Philosophy, 27(6), 811–831. doi:10.1007/s10539-012-9327-1

Book (1)

Buschlinger, W., Conradi, B., & Rusch, H. (2009). Philomat / Apparat für weltanschauliche Diagnostik: Erkunden Sie Ihre Philosophie im Selbsttest! Stuttgart: S. Hirzel Verlag GmbH.

Thesis - PhD (2)

Thesis - PhD
Rusch, H. Coordination, Cooperation, Collaboration: Three Studies on Human Capacities for Coaction (PhD Thesis). Technische Universität, München. Retrieved from
Thesis - PhD
Rusch, H. Intergroup Conflict as a Driver of the Evolution of Human Cooperativeness? Theoretical Predictions and Empirical Evidence of Asymmetries in Altruistic Behavior in War (PhD Thesis). Justus Liebig Universität, Giessen. Retrieved from

Working Paper (7)

Working Paper
Böhm, R., Glowacki, L., Rusch, H., & Thielmann, I. (2024). Untangling altruism and parochialism in human intergroup conflict GSBE Research Memoranda. Maastricht University, Graduate School of Business and Economics. doi:10.26481/umagsb.2024009
Working Paper
Liu, K., Rusch, H., Seel, C., & Terstiege, S. (2024). Competition in higher education: Sorting, ranking and fees GSBE Research Memoranda. Maastricht University, Graduate School of Business and Economics. doi:10.26481/umagsb.2024005
Working Paper
Rusch, H. (2023). The logic of human intergroup conflict: Knowns and known unknowns GSBE Research Memoranda. Maastricht University, Graduate School of Business and Economics. doi:10.26481/umagsb.2023014
Working Paper
Glowacki, L., Morath, F., & Rusch, H. (2023). High minority power facilitates democratization across ethnic fault lines Working Papers in Economics and Statistics. Innsbruck: University of Innsbruck, Faculty of Eco- nomics and Statistics.
Working Paper
Cloos, J., Greiff, M., & Rusch, H. (2021). Editorial favoritism in the field of laboratory experimental economics (RM/20/014-revised-) GSBE Research Memoranda. Maastricht University, Graduate School of Business and Economics. doi:10.26481/umagsb.2021005
Working Paper
Cloos, J., Greiff, M., & Rusch, H. (2020). Geographical Concentration and Editorial Favoritism within the Field of Laboratory Experimental Economics (RM/19/029-revised-) GSBE Research Memoranda. Maastricht University, Graduate School of Business and Economics. doi:10.26481/umagsb.2020014
Working Paper
Cloos, J., Greiff, M., & Rusch, H. (2019). Geographical Concentration and Editorial Favoritism within the Field of Laboratory Experimental Economics GSBE Research Memoranda. Maastricht University, Graduate School of Business and Economics. doi:10.26481/umagsb.2019029

Other (3)

Rusch, H., & Böhm, R. (2019). A note on the endogeneity of attacker and defender roles in asymmetric conflicts. Behavioral and Brain Sciences. New York: Cambridge University Press. doi:10.1017/S0140525X19000748
Rusch, H., & Voland, E. (2016). Human agricultural economy is, and likely always was, largely based on kinship – Why? Behavioral and Brain Sciences. doi:10.1017/S0140525X15001168
Luetge, C., & Rusch, H. (2013). The Systematic Place of Morals in Markets. Science. doi:10.1126/science.341.6147.714-a

Book Review (1)

Book Review
Rusch, H. (2023). "The way out is through": A review of Constructive Conflicts: From Emergence to Transformation (6th Ed.). Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology. doi:10.1037/pac0000696

Contribution to a Collected edition (13)

Contribution to a Collected edition
Rusch, H. (2024). Krieg der Gene? Gewaltsame Gruppenkonflikte aus evolutionärer Perspektive. In M. Hammerl, S. Schwarz, & K. P. Willführ (Eds.), Evolutionäre Sozialwissenschaften. Wiesbaden: Springer VS. doi:10.1007/978-3-658-43624-7_16