Publications of Jean-Baptiste Maillart

Journal Article (1)

Journal Article
Vogel, B., & Maillart, J.-B. (2016). Recent Developments in EU Anti-Money Laundering: Some Critical Observations. Eucrim - the European Criminal Law Associations' Forum, (04), 179–183.

Contribution to a Collected edition (4)

Contribution to a Collected edition
Maillart, J.-B. (2020). The anti-money laundering architecture of the European Union. In B. Vogel & J.-B. Maillart (Eds.), National and international anti-money laundering law: developing the architecture of criminal justice, regulation and data protection (pp. 71–155). Cambridge; Antwerp; Chicago: Intersentia.
Contribution to a Collected edition
Maillart, J.-B. (2020). The anti-money laundering architecture of the FATF. In B. Vogel & J.-B. Maillart (Eds.), National and international anti-money laundering law: developing the architecture of criminal justice, regulation and data protection (pp. 11–69). Cambridge; Antwerp; Chicago: Intersentia.
Contribution to a Collected edition
Maillart, J.-B. (2020). The anti-money laundering architecture of Switzerland. In B. Vogel & J.-B. Maillart (Eds.), National and international anti-money laundering law: developing the architecture of criminal justice, regulation and data protection (pp. 533–639). Cambridge; Antwerp; Chicago: Intersentia.
Contribution to a Collected edition
Maillart, J.-B. (2016). Disposition sur l’extinction, la suspension ou l’amendement du traité entre l’Etat prédécesseur et l’autre Etat partie (article 26). In G. Distefano & G. Gaggioli (Eds.), La Convention de Vienne sur la succession d’Etats en matière de traités de 1978. Bruxelles: Bruylant.

Collected Edition (1)

Collected Edition
Vogel, B., & Maillart, J.-B. (Eds.). (2020). National and international anti-money laundering law: developing the architecture of criminal justice, regulation and data protection. Cambridge; Antwerp; Chicago: Intersentia.