Publications of Cornelia Spörl
All genres
Journal Article (3)
Journal Article
Spörl, C. (2016). Leges Sine Moribus Vanae?: On the Relationship Between Social Morality and Law in the Field of Foreign Bribery. German Law Journal - open access to comparative, european and international law, 17(01), 20–39.
Journal Article
Spörl, C., & (2015). Tagungsbericht: Das Verbot der Auslandsbestechung – Strafgrund, Durchsetzung, Prävention. 6./7. Februar 2015 in Schloss Wahn bei Köln. Zeitschrift für internationale Strafrechtsdogmatik: ZIS, 2015(6), 358–360.
Journal Article
Spörl, C., & (2014). The EU Anti-Corruption Report: a new benchmark in the fight against corruption. Journal of Business Compliance, 2014(2), 5–14.
Book (1)
Spörl, C. (2019). Das Verbot der Auslandsbestechung: Ursache, Grund und Zweck (Vol. 39) Schriftenreihe zum deutschen, europäischen und internationalen Wirtschaftsstrafrecht. Baden-Baden: Nomos.
Newspaper Article (2)
Newspaper Article
Spörl, C. (2020, May 15). Spucken mit Tötungsvorsatz. Legal Tribune Online.
Newspaper Article
Spörl, C. (2017, April 25). Heimlich begraben: EU stoppt Anti-Korruptionsbericht. Legal Tribune Online.
Opinion (1)
Spörl, C., & (2014). Gesetz zur Bekämpfung der Korruption: Stellungnahme zum Referentenentwurf des Bundesministeriums der Justiz und für Verbraucherschutz. Kölner Papiere zur Kriminalpolitik, 2014, 2–30.
Contribution to a Collected edition (5)
Contribution to a Collected edition
Spörl, C. (2019). Article 2: Use of Terms. In , , & (Eds.), The United Nations Convention Against Corruption: a commentary (pp. 21–34). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Contribution to a Collected edition
Spörl, C., & (2019). Article 27: Participation and Attempt. In , , & (Eds.), The United Nations Convention Against Corruption: a commentary (pp. 287–291). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Contribution to a Collected edition
Spörl, C., & (2019). Article 28: Knowledge, Intent, and Purpose as Elements of an Offence. In , , & (Eds.), The United Nations Convention Against Corruption: a commentary (pp. 292–293). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Contribution to a Collected edition
Spörl, C., & (2016). The United Nations Convention against Corruption and its Criminal Law Provisions. In & (Eds.), International law and transnational organised crime (pp. 219–237). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Contribution to a Collected edition
Spörl, C., & (2016). Diskussionsbericht. In & (Eds.), Das Verbot der Auslandsbestechung: Tagungen und Kolloquien (pp. 261–270 ). Baden-Baden: Nomos.