Prof. Dr. Ralf Poscher


Curriculum Vitae

  • Spring 2022: Guest professor at the Factulté de Droit, Université Panthéon Assas, Paris 2, France
  • Since Novem­ber 2019: Hon­or­ary pro­fess­or­ship, Uni­versity Freiburg
  • Since May 2019: Dir­ect­or at the Max Planck In­sti­tute for the Study of Crime, Se­cur­ity and Law, Freiburg
  • Oc­to­ber 2018 to May 2019: Dean, Fac­ulty of Law, Uni­versity of Freiburg
  • Spring 2018: Guest pro­fess­or, Fac­ulté de Droit, Uni­versité Jean Moulin, Ly­on 3, France
  • Oc­to­ber 2015 to Septem­ber 2016: Rect­or’s Fel­low, Freiburg In­sti­tute of Ad­vanced Stud­ies (FRI­AS), Uni­versity of Freiburg
  • Winter semester 2013: Fernand Braudel Seni­or Fel­low, De­part­ment of Law, European Uni­versity In­sti­tute, Florence
  • 2013 to 2018: Man­aging dir­ect­or of the Centre for Se­cur­ity and So­ci­ety, Uni­versity of Freiburg
  • Oc­to­ber 2009 to present: Pro­fess­or, Fac­ulty of Law, Uni­versity of Freiburg, In­sti­tute for Polit­ic­al Sci­ence & Philo­sophy of Law, De­part­ment 2 (Philo­sophy of Law)
  • Decem­ber 2003 to Septem­ber 2009: Pro­fess­or, Fac­ulty of Law, Ruhr-Uni­versität, Bo­chum, Chair of Pub­lic Law, Legal So­ci­ology, and Leg­al Philo­sophy
  • 2007 to 2008: Mem­ber of the In­sti­tute for Ad­vanced Study, Prin­ceton, USA
  • Spring 2007: Re­search fel­low, Uni­versity of Osaka, Ja­pan
  • 2002: As­sist­ant pro­fess­or, Fac­ulty of Law, Hum­boldt-Uni­versität zu Ber­lin
  • 2002: Postdoc­tor­al de­gree ("Ha­bil­it­a­tion") with the ve­nia le­gendi for pub­lic law, his­tory of con­sti­tu­tion­al law, and leg­al philo­sophy at the Hum­boldt-Uni­versität zu Ber­lin; Ha­bil­it­a­tion Title: Grundrechte als Ab­wehr­rechte. Re­flex­ive Regelung recht­lich geord­neter Freiheit
  • 1999 to 2002: Postdoc­tor­al re­search fel­low, Fac­ulty of Law, In­sti­tute for Pub­lic Law, Chair Prof. Dr. Bernhard Schlink, Hum­boldt-Uni­versität zu Ber­lin
  • 1999: Hum­boldt Award, Hum­boldt-Uni­versität zu Ber­lin
  • 1999: Doc­tor­ate, Fac­ulty of Law, Hum­boldt-Uni­versität zu Ber­lin; Title of dis­ser­ta­tion: Ge­fahren­ab­wehr. Eine dogmatische Rekon­struk­tion
  • 1995 to 1999: Re­search as­so­ci­ate, Fac­ulty of Law, In­sti­tute for Pub­lic Law, Chair Prof. Dr. Bernhard Schlink, Humboldt-Uni­versität zu Ber­lin
  • 1995: Second state law ex­am
  • 1992 to 1995: Ju­dic­al clerk­ship, Su­per­i­or Court of Justice, Ber­lin
  • 1990 to 1992: Re­search as­sist­ant, In­sti­tute for Pub­lic Law, Uni­versity of Bonn, Chair Prof. Dr. Bernhard Schlink
  • 1990: First state law ex­am
  • 1984 to 1990: Study of Law, Uni­versity of Bonn; Uni­versité de Bour­gone, Di­jon; Lon­don School of Eco­nom­ics and Polit­ic­al Sci­ence


Heads of project: Ralf Poscher, Elisa Orrù
FreiburgRESIST is a federally-funded, collaborative research pro­ject involving the City of Freiburg authorities and the University of Freiburg’s transdisciplinary Cen­tre for Security and Society. It integrates the fields of information… more

Head of project: Ralf Poscher
The project aims at a continuous doctrinal development of fundamental rights—with particular focus on funda­men­tal rights especially impacted by public se­cu­rity measures—in a transnational perspective. Fundamental rights are central for the legal… more

Head of project: Ralf Poscher
This long-term project examines whether it is possible to develop a general doc­tri­nal scheme for public security measures comparable to the general doc­tri­nal schemes (Verbrechenssysteme) of substantive criminal law, how such a scheme would have to… more

Head of project: Ralf Poscher
This long-term project, begun about a decade ago, aims to provide a philosoph­i­cally updated account of legal her­me­neu­tics. Whereas legal hermeneutics has often been associated with continental philosophical approaches (e.g., Gadamer, Ricœur), the… more

Heads of project: R. Poscher, M. Her­de­gen, J. Ma­sing, K. F. Gär­ditz
The Handbook of Constitutional Law is co-authored by 24 German professors, and supported by 15 international academics from Europe, North America, Africa, and Asia. Edited by Profes­sors Herdegen, Masing… more

Heads of project: Ralf Poscher, Michael Kilchling
State surveillance measures and their impact on constitutional freedoms have long been the subject of legal and political discourse. Building on prior, mainly theoretical, considerations about the need for realizing an “overall… more

Heads of project: R. Poscher, S. El­lebrecht, St. Ja­ro­li­mek, St. Kauf­mann
Considering Germany’s diversifying society, the question arises whether its police forces can contribute to an open and plural society and how they should be organized. This joint research project… more

Heads of project: T. Hörnle, R. Poscher, St. Huster
During the Covid-19 pandemic, numerous countries have experienced a scarcity of life-saving resources, including equipment (i.e., ventilators) and free space in intensive care units. Such situations raise difficult ethical and… more


Book (28)

Enders, C., Hoffmann-Riem, W., Kniesel, M., Poscher, R., & Schulze-Fielitz, H. (2023). Anteprojeto-Modelo de uma Lei de Reunião [portugiesische Übersetzung von: Musterentwurf eines Versammlungsgesetzes]. (L. Martins, Trans.). Madrid: Marcial Pons.
Kingreen, T., & Poscher, R. (2023). Grundrechte. Staatsrecht II (39. Aufl.). Heidelberg: C.F. Müller.
Kingreen, T., & Poscher, R. (2023). Temel Haklar, Anayasa Hukuku II [türkische Übersetzung von: Grundrechte, Staatsrecht II]. (A. Nuhoğlu, Ed.). Ankara: Seçkin.
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Collected Edition (12)

Hörnle, T., Huster, S., & Poscher, R. (Eds.). (2024). Triage in der Pandemie (2., erweiterte Auflage.). Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck. doi:10.1628/978-3-16-163813-8
Ellebrecht, S., Poscher, R., Jarolimek, S., & Kaumann, S. (Eds.). (in press). Die Polizei in der offenen Gesellschaft: zum polizeilichen Umgang mit Vielfalt und Diversität. Bielefeld: transcript.
Dalla Barba, R. G. (Ed.). (2022). Princípios jurídicos: o debate metodológico entre Robert Alexy e Ralf Poscher. Belo Horizonte: Casa do Direito.
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Journal Article (62)

Poscher, R. (2022). Proporcionalidade e a vinculação dos Direitos Fundamentais | Proportionality and the Bindingness of Fundamental Rights. Revista de Direitos Humanos e Desenvolvimento Social, 3, e227090. doi:10.24220/2675-9160v3e2022a7090
Kingreen, T., & Poscher, R. (2022). Die Ausgestaltung von Grundrechten. Juristenzeitung, 77(20), 961–970. doi:10.1628/jz-2022-0321
Poscher, R. (2022). Human Dignity in the Mechanics of Claims. Jus Cogens, 4(2), 193–201. doi:10.1007/s42439-021-00047-0
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Contribution to a Collected edition (83)

Poscher, R., & Lassahn, P. (in press). § 7 Verfassungsrechtliche Dimensionen der IT-Sicherheit. In G. Hornung & M. Schallbruch (Eds.), IT-Sicherheitsrecht: Praxishandbuch (2. Aufl.). Baden-Baden: Nomos.
Poscher, R. (2024). Zur Verfassungsmäßigkeit eines gemeinsam verantworteten christlichen Religionsunterrichts. In H. M. Heinig, A. Hense, K. Lindner, & H. Simojoki (Eds.), Christlicher Religionsunterricht (CRU) (pp. 19–53) Praktische Theologie in Geschichte und Gegenwart. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck. doi:10.1628/978-3-16-163650-9
Poscher, R. (2023). Triage und das Verbot der Abwägung Leben gegen Leben. In B. Kämper & A. Schilberg (Eds.), Triage: ein interdisziplinärer Austausch zu Fragen ärztlicher Entscheidungskonflikte (pp. 51–57) Kirche & Recht. Berlin: BWV Berliner-Wissenschaft.
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Proceedings (1)

Poscher, R., Jestaedt, M., & Kammerhofer, J. (Eds.). (2020). Reine Rechtslehre auf dem Prüfstand / Hans Kelsen's Pure Theory of Law: Conceptions and Misconceptions. Tagung der Deutschen Sektion der Internationalen Vereinigung für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie vom 27. - 29. September 2018 in Freiburg i. Brsg. Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie - Beihefte (Vol. 163). Stuttgart: Franz Steiner.

Report (1)

Poscher, R., & Kilchling, M. (2021). Entwicklung eines periodischen Überwachungsbarometers für Deutschland: Pilotprojekt – Max-Planck-Institut zur Erforschung von Kriminalität, Sicherheit und Recht, Abteilung Öffentliches Recht, Freiburg i.Br. Potsdam-Babelsberg: Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung für die Freiheit.

Series (2)

Hörnle, T., Van Gelder, J.-L., & Poscher, R. (Eds.). Social Science Research Network (SSRN) – Working Paper Series. Amsterdam: Elsevier.
Hörnle, T., & Poscher, R. (Eds.). Grundfragen des Straf- und Sicherheitsrechts. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.

Other (9)

Poscher, R., Kilchling, M., & Landerer, L. M. (2022). Entwicklung eines periodischen Überwachungsbarometers für Deutschland Jahrbuch 2021 der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft.
How Can We Effectively Assess the Level of Surveillance in a Society? (2021, August 25) Latest Thinking - Scientists Share Their Latest Thinking.
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