Dr. Dr. Philipp-Alexander Hirsch

Research Group Leader
Criminal Law
Independent Research Group Criminal Law Theory
+49 761 7081-272

Philipp-Alexander Hirsch is a legal scholar and philosopher. He has been Leader of an Independent Research Group on criminal-law theory at the Max Planck Institute in Freiburg since 2022, having studied and obtained doctorates in law and philosophy before taking up this role. He has studied at the University of Göttingen, the University of Vienna, and the University of Toronto. In addition, he is complet­ing his habilitation in criminal law at the University of Göttingen, where he is also a lecturer in the Department of Philos­o­phy. His research focuses on criminal law and criminal procedure, legal philosophy and legal theory, and the history and phi­los­o­phy of criminal law in the Age of Enlightenment.

Main Focus

In his research, Philipp-Alexander Hirsch is particularly interested in the foundations of crim­i­nal law. One focus is crim­i­nal-law theory, understood as an analysis of criminal law and its doctrine that centers on the underlying normative struc­tures and principles in order to assess their coherence, justifiability , and persuasiveness. In addition, his research is con­cerned with doctrinal and methodological questions as well as the intellectual history and philosophical aspects of criminal law. Current topics of his research are:

  • The status of the victim in substantive criminal law and criminal proceedings
  • Theory of rights
  • Questions of imputation
  • Theories of criminalization
  • Theories of punishment
  • Development of criminal law in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries
  • Comparison of legal theories (especially between German and Anglo-American legal systems)

Curriculum Vitae

  • Since 2022: Leader of an Independent Research Group on criminal-law theory
    Max Planck Institute for the Study of Crime, Security and Law, Freiburg i.Br.
  • 2018–2022: Research Associate and, subsequently, Assistant Professor (akademischer Rat)
    Institute of Criminal Law and Justice at the University of Göttingen (Prof. Dr. Uwe Murmann, Chair of Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure Law)
  • 2017–2020: Doctor of Laws (Doktor der Rechte)
    University of Göttingen
    Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Uwe Murmann
    Awarded the Appelhagen-Stifterpreis of the Faculty of Law of the University of Göttingen for the best dissertation of the year 2020
  • 2015–2018: Legal clerkship (Referendariat)
    Higher Regional Court of Braunschweig with internships at, inter alia, the Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection and the law firm Graf von Westphalen
  • 2011–2016: Doctorate in Philosophy
    University of Göttingen
    Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Bernd Ludwig and – during a research stay – Prof. Dr. Arthur Ripstein (University of Toronto )
    Funded by a doctoral scholarship from the German Academic Scholarship Foundation
  • 2006–2011: M.A., Philosophy
    University of Göttingen and University of Vienna
    Funded by a scholarship from the German Academic Scholarship Foundation
  • 2003–2010: Study of law (Studium der Rechtswissenschaften), First State Examination in Law
    University of Göttingen and University of Vienna
    Funded by a scholarship from the German Academic Scholarship Foundation
    Awarded second place among examinees in calendar year 2010 for performance on the First State Examination in Law of the state of Lower Saxony


Accountability and its Practices in Law and Philosophy

Heads of project: Philipp-Alexander Hirsch, Jonas Vandieken
Accountability is one of the most significant concepts in both legal theory and moral philosophy, central to understanding the authority of law and the binding force of moral obligations. To be accountable means to be answerable to others for one’s actions, whether in the context of legal… more

Anti-Impunity: Do Human Rights Give the Victim a Right to Punishment?

Heads of project: Philipp-Alexander Hirsch, Patrick Joseph Siegle
The project examines the human rights guarantees of the European Convention on Human Rights, the Inter-American Convention on Human Rights, and the fundamental rights of the German Grundgesetz as shaped by the respective case law to determine the extent to which they grant victims of… more

Blame for Ignorance? Perspectives on Willful Blindness and Mistakes of Fact

Heads of project: Philipp-Alexander Hirsch, Svenja Schwartz, Alexander Heinze
Can a person be blamed for turning a blind eye to the circumstances of his or her conduct? From a criminal law perspective, the concept of “willful ignorance” (“willful blindness” or “conscious avoidance”) exists – in varying forms and terms – in different jurisdictions. more

Committed to Non-Judgmental Science?
Current Justification and Significance of the Postulate of Non-Judgmental Science

Heads of project: Philipp-Alexander Hirsch, Hendrik Klinge
That science is non-judgmental in terms of value is generally regarded as a necessary pre­requi­site for the objec­tiv­ity and special value of scientific knowledge. Neither the values of the scientists themselves nor the social pur­poses for which science is used should be a condition for… more

Criminalising Carelessness. Comparative and Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Criminal Liability for Inadvertent Negligence

Heads of project: Philipp-Alexander Hirsch, Johannes Weigel
Can we punish people for crimes they didn’t even know they committed? Ul­ti­mately, the answer to this question lies at the core of criminal liability for in­ad­vert­ent negligence. But legal systems respond very differently. Although most civil law jurisdictions seem to have no problem… more

Ernst Ferdinand Klein. Philosopher, Criminal Law Scholar and Justice Reformer of the German Enlightenment

Heads of project: Philipp-Alexander Hirsch, Milan Kuhli, Gideon Stiening
Ernst Ferdinand Klein is one of the most prominent figures of the late German Enlightenment. A philosopher, scholar of criminal law, and reformer of the ju­di­ci­ary, he not only played an influential role in shaping academic dis­course in these fields at the end of the 18th… more

Law and Morality in Kant

Heads of project: Philipp-Alexander Hirsch, Martin Brecher
What is the relationship between law and morality? Does legal philosophy merely apply general moral principles to particular circumstances that give rise to the need for law and its institutions? Or does law have its own kind of normativity, which cannot be reduced to morality? more

Reasonable Punishment? The Presence of German Idealism in the Theory of Punishment

Heads of project: Philipp-Alexander Hirsch, Markus Abraham, Martin Brecher
The aim of this interdisciplinary research project is to evaluate from today’s per­spective the dispute regarding whether punishment ought to be justified on re­trib­u­tive or on preventive grounds – a dispute that has been on­go­ing in Ger­many since the end of the… more

Relational Morality and the Criminal Law

Heads of project: Philipp-Alexander Hirsch, Erasmus Mayr
The rise of second-personal or relational conceptions of morality has been one of the most significant devel­op­ments in contemporary ethics in the last 25 years. While many different theories are classified under this label, they generally agree that morality concerns ‘what we owe to each… more

<em>Rücksichtslosigkeit</em>. Possibility, Potential, and Limits of a New Central Category between Intent and Negligence

Head of project: Philipp-Alexander Hirsch
In German criminal-law doctrine, deliberate high-risk behavior is strictly di­chot­o­mized as either intentional or neg­li­gent behavior. The border line runs between dolus eventualis (“conditional intent”) and bewusste Fahrlässigkeit (“conscious negligence”), although this is accompanied by problems with… more

Subjective Imputation and Lay Attribution of Criminal Responsibility and Blameworthiness for Deliberately Risky Behavior

Heads of project: Philipp-Alexander Hirsch, Markus Kneer, Levin Güver
Both the legal and the everyday attribution of responsibility are based on a rationalist, naive psychology that interprets human action as behaviour caused by epistemic and optative states. The different degrees of legal and everyday attributions of responsibility correspond to… more

A woodcut from 1508: A maid tries to get rid of her child. Picture: Die Welt der Schweizer Bildchroniken (The world of Swiss pictorial chronicles)

Head of project: Philipp-Alexander Hirsch
The project is dedicated to the question of whether there was a feminist En­light­en­ment in criminal law in the German-speaking world in the 18th century. Based on an analysis of the gender-specific differentiations to be found in criminal law and criminal prosecution before the advent of Enlightenment… more

Richard Martin Honig

Heads of project: Philipp-Alexander Hirsch, Matthias Dölling, Jan Rennicke
Richard Martin Honig (1890–1981) is best known in German criminal law as one of the pioneers of the doctrine of objective imputation due to his ground-breaking contribution “Kausalität und objektive Zurechnung” (Causality and objective imputation) in the Festgabe für Frank… more

Rights in Criminal Law

Heads of project: Philipp-Alexander Hirsch, Elias Moser
The aim of the project is to address the issue of rights in criminal law: Who holds and who should hold a right not to be wronged by others? And is it the violation of rights – rather than the causing of harm – that grounds a prima facie reason for criminalization? more


Book (3)

Hirsch, P.-A. (2021). Das Verbrechen als Rechtsverletzung: subjektive Rechte im Strafrecht (Vol. Neue Folge, Band 299) Strafrechtliche Abhandlungen. Berlin: Duncker & Humblot.
Hirsch, P.-A. (2017). Freiheit und Staatlichkeit bei Kant: die autonomietheoretische Begründung von Recht und Staat und das Widerstandsproblem (Vol. 194) Kant-Studien / Ergänzungshefte. Berlin: De Gruyter.
Hirsch, P.-A. (2012). Kants Einleitung in die Rechtslehre von 1784. Immanuel Kants Rechtsbegriff in den Vorlesungen „Moral-Mrongovius II“ und „Naturrecht-Feyerabend“ von 1784 und in der „Metaphysik der Sitten“ von 1797. Göttingen: Universitätsverlag Göttingen. doi:10.17875/gup2012-459

Collected Edition (5)

Hirsch, P.-A., & Moser, E. (Eds.). (2025). Rights in criminal law: Studies on a new paradigm in criminal law and procedure. Oxford: Hart Publishing. doi:10.5040/9781509973507
Dölling, M., Hirsch, P.-A., & Rennicke, J. (Eds.). (2024). Richard Martin Honig: Prägender Göttinger (Straf-)Rechtswissenschaftler des 20. Jahrhunderts? (Vol. 45) Göttinger Studien zu den Kriminalwissenschaften. Göttingen: Universitätsverlag Göttingen. doi:10.17875/gup2024-2527
Hirsch, P.-A., & Brecher, M. (Eds.). (in press). Law and Morality in Kant. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
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Journal Article (18)

Hirsch, P.-A. (2024). Eine relationale Theorie vom Verbrechen? Zur Bedeutung relationaler Theorien der Verpflichtung für das Strafrecht. Goltdammer's Archiv für Strafrecht, (10), 544–562.
Hirsch, P.-A. (2024). Eine relationale Theorie vom Verbrechen! Erwiderung auf die Kommentare Abrahams und Stuckenbergs. Goltdammer's Archiv für Strafrecht, (10), 584–587.
Hirsch, P.-A. (in press). Crimes as Status Violations. Criminal Law and Philosophy.
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Contribution to a Collected edition (16)

Hirsch, P.-A. (2025). Individual consent and shared normative authority. Conceiving of crimes as violations of individual rights and public wrongs. In P.-A. Hirsch & E. Moser (Eds.), Rights in criminal law: Studies on a new paradigm in criminal law and procedure (pp. 145–159). London: Hart Publishing. doi:10.5040/9781509973507.ch-008
Hirsch, P.-A. (2024). Feministische Aufklärung im Strafrecht? – Die Behandlung des Kindsmords im strafrechtspolitischen Aufklärungsdiskurs sowie im Preußischen Allgemeinen Landrecht. In I. Karremann & G. Stiening (Eds.), Vom Recht der Frauen zu den Frauenrechten (pp. 219–247). Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler.
Hirsch, P.-A. (2024). Sozial-ethische Pflichten und strafbares Unterlassen. Honig über Garantenpflichten und das Sittengesetz. In M. Dölling, P.-A. Hirsch, & J. Rennicke (Eds.), Richard Martin Honig: Prägender Göttinger (Straf-)Rechtswissenschaftler des 20. Jahrhunderts? (pp. 153–168). Göttingen: Universitätsverlag Göttingen. doi:10.17875/gup2024-2527
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Issue (3)

Hirsch, P.-A., & Mayr, E. (Eds.). (in press). Relational Morality and the Criminal Law. Criminal Law and Philosophy.
Hirsch, P.-A. (Ed.). (2023). Nationalsozialistisches Strafrecht. Göttinger Rechtszeitschrift (Vol. 6).
Brecher, M., Hirsch, P.-A., & Klingner, S. (Eds.). (2020). Göttinger Naturrecht - 300 Jahre Gottfried Achenwall. Rechtsphilosophie (Vol. 6). doi:10.5771/2364-1355-2020-4

Other (1)

Hirsch, P.-A., Payer, A., Schwartz, S., & Weigel, J. S. (2024). Gedanken eines Täters: Wo beginnt strafrechtliche Verantwortung? Jahrbuch 2023 der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft.

Book Review (2)

Hirsch, P.-A. (2020). Rezension zu: Luna Rösinger, Die Freiheit des Beschuldigten vom Zwang zur Selbstbelastung. Zeitschrift für Internationale Strafrechtsdogmatik.
Hirsch, P.-A. (2015). Rezension zu: B. Sharon Byrd und Joachim Hruschka, Kant’s Doctrine of Right. A Commentary. Kant-Studien. doi:10.1515/kant-2015-0029
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