Dr. Marthe Goudsmit Samaritter, LL.M., M.A.


Main Focus

Marthe Goudsmit Samaritter works on criminal law theory, jurisprudence, and personhood theory. Her work sits at the intersection of criminalisation theories, human rights law, and technological developments. Goudsmit Samaritter focuses her research on wrongs against persons in a digital age, specifically in the context of technology-facilitated violence such as image-based sexual abuse (sometimes known as ‘revenge porn’). She has a general research interest in the justification of criminal law and criminalisation, wrongness, gender-based violence, human rights law, and AI integration in law and society.

Curriculum Vitae

  • 2023–present: Postdoc researcher at the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Crime, Security and Law, Department of Criminal Law
  • 2019–2022: Stipendiary Lecturer in Criminal Law, Tort Law, and Jurisprudence, University of Oxford
  • 2018–2023: D.Phil. in Law, Exeter College, University of Oxford
  • 2015–2018: Lecturer in Jurisprudence, Leiden University
  • 2015–2016: M.A. in Philosophy, Leiden University
  • 2014–2015: LL.M. in Public International Law, Leiden University
  • 2013–2014: LL.M. Jurisprudence and Philosophy of Law, Leiden University
  • 2009–2013: LL.B. in Law, Leiden University


Wrongness, Personhood, and Image-Based Sexual Abuse: Placing Technology-Facilitated Violence in the Realm of Justified Criminal Law

Head of project: Marthe Goudsmit Samaritter
In an era where digital technology has become intertwined with every aspect of daily life, im­age-based sexual abuse and technology-facilitated sexual violence have emerged as signifi­cant legal and societal issues. more

The Criminalization of Femicide: A Comparative Legal Perspective

Heads of project: Konstanze Jarvers, Emily Silverman, Cristina Valega Chipoco
Killings of women, the most serious form of gender-based violence, is a phenomenon that has existed worldwide since time immemorial. And yet it has only recently become the focus of cultural and legal debate. With that in… more

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