Publications of Marthe Goudsmit Samaritter
All genres
Journal Article (5)
Journal Article
Goudsmit Samaritter, M., , & (2024). The shadowy boundaries of obstetric violence. Journal of Gender-Based Violence. doi:10.1332/23986808Y2024D000000045
Journal Article
Goudsmit Samaritter, M. (2024). Deepfake pornografie: neppe foto’s, echte afbeeldingen - analyse en aanbevelingen over de strafbaarstelling van seksueel misbruik met beeldmateriaal in art. 139h Sr. Ars Aequi: juridisch maandblad, 73(06), 497–506.
Journal Article
Goudsmit Samaritter, M., , & (2023). Strafbaarstelling van seksuele deepfakes. Boom Strafblad, (5), 239–247. doi:10.5553/BSb/266669012023004005007
Journal Article
Goudsmit Samaritter, M. (2021). Mandatory vaccination and the infringement of children’s article 8 rights for their parents’ non-compliance. Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law, 43(3), 335–338. doi:10.1080/09649069.2021.1953853
Journal Article
Goudsmit Samaritter, M. (2021). What makes a sex crime? A fair label for image-based sexual abuse. BJU Strafblad, (67). doi:10.5553/Bsb/266669012021002002005
Thesis - PhD (1)
Thesis - PhD
Goudsmit Samaritter, M. (2022). The wrongness of image-based sexual abuse (PhD Thesis). University of Oxford. Retrieved from