Dr. Benjamin Vogel

Senior Researcher

Main Focus

Benjamin’s research is marked by comparative law, criminal law theory, and sociology, with a particular focus on con­cepts of culpability, the role of private corporations in the detection and investigation of crime, and supranational responses to transnational organized crime.

Curriculum Vitae

  • 2001-2008: law studies at the Universities of Potsdam (First State Examination), Paris X (Licence en droit and Maîtrise en droit) and Cambridge (Master of Laws); internships with UN and diplomatic missions in Africa and Asia
  • 2008-2011: German Academic Scholarship Foundation Doctoral Fellow with a dissertation on English and German fraud law
  • 2011-2013: clerkship at the Higher Regional Court of Karlsruhe and Second State Examination (bar exam)
  • 2013-2020: head of section for English criminal law at the Max Planck Institute
  • since 2016: leader of a group of postdoctoral researchers on Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing law


Businesses as Organs of Justice: A Doctrinal and Socio-Legal Study of the Participation of Companies in Criminal Proceedings

Head of project: Benjamin Vogel
Globalization and digitalization have profoundly changed the relationship between nation states and the private sector in recent decades. Increasingly, private com-panies are creating and controlling the spaces in which economic and social interactions take place – for example, on the Internet or… more

Secret Evidence in Criminal Proceedings

Head of project: Benjamin Vogel
In addition to politically motivated violence and hostile states, legal orders in Europe today are increasingly con­fronted with profit-driven organised crime that is integrated into globally-operating criminal networks and at the same time entrenched in European societies. more

Public-Private Partnerships in the Fight against the Financing of Terrorism

Head of project: Benjamin Vogel
Confronted with transnational terrorism and other forms of organised crime that elude the territorial borders of nation states, law enforcement authorities in many countries are increasingly turning to the private sector to tackle illicit financial flows. While banks and other financial… more

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