Elisa Orrù Joins BKA Research Advisory Board
Researcher to Contribute Valuable Insights to Germany’s Federal Criminal Police Office
Elisa Orrù, senior researcher at the Max Institute for the Study of Crime, Security and Law, has been appointed to the Research Advisory Board of the Forensic Science Institute of the German Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA), effective March 2025.

The Forensic Science Institute is a research network in which academic institutions from a range of disciplines, both in Germany and abroad, work closely with police authorities. Its research focus is on various issues related to crime: the different forms of crime, why it occurs, and to what extent. The insights gained feed into the work of the police authorities and serve to advise politicians on strategic crime-related issues.
The Research Advisory Board, of which Elisa Orrù is now a member, aims to “contribute to the strategic orientation of the Forensic Science Institute’s social science research” and support “national and international networking activities”, according to the BKA.
Elisa Orrù, who holds a doctorate in the philosophy of law, is a senior researcher in the Public Law Department at the Max Planck Institute. Her research there addresses security issues relating to digitalization, privacy, and data protection.