Publications of Valerij Zisman
All genres
Journal Article (4)
Journal Article
Zisman, V., & (2024). The problems of empirically-informed arguments for and against retributivism. Review of Philosophy and Psychology. doi:10.1007/s13164-024-00753-w
Journal Article
Zisman, V. (2024). Respect for victims as a justification for criminal punishment. RIPD libri, (06), 51–73.
Journal Article
Siegle, P. J., & Zisman, V. (2024). Vernünftiges Strafen? Die Gegenwart des Deutschen Idealismus in der Straftheorie. Juristenzeitung, 79(12), 554–556. doi:10.1628/jz-2024-0162
, 4.
Journal Article
Zisman, V. (2023). The Missing Alternative Objection to Criminal Law Abolitionism. Diametros, (December), 1–14. doi:10.33392/diam.1874
Book (1)
Zisman, V. (2023). Criminal law without punishment: How our society might benefit from abolishing punitive sanctions (Vol. 25) Practical Philosophy. Berlin; Boston: De Gruyter. doi:10.1515/9783111027821