Publications of Rachel Pougnet
All genres
Journal Article (2)
Journal Article
Pougnet, R. (2023). Citizenship Deprivation in the Courts: Unveiling States’ Constitutional Structures. European Constitutional Law Review, 1–26. doi:10.1017/S1574019623000196
Journal Article
Pougnet, R. (2021). La déchéance de nationalité devant la Cour suprême du Royaume-Uni: déférence judiciaire et sécurité nationale. Revue critique de droit international privé, (4), 787–798. doi:10.3917/rcdip.214.0787
Report (2)
Pougnet, R., & (Eds.). (2021). Risks of childhood statelessness for the children associated with alleged ‘foreign fighters’ detained in Syria and Iraq (Vol. 67: Oct 2021) Policy report. PolicyBristol.
Pougnet, R. (Ed.). (2021). Deprivation of nationality and the prevention of statelessness in Europe. European Network on Statelessness.
Newspaper Article (1)
Newspaper Article
Pougnet, R. (2024, January 13). La déchéance déchaînée: record de déchéances de nationalité sous la Ve République. AOC.
Book Review (1)
Book Review
Pougnet, R. (2023, November 2). GLOBALCIT Review Symposium of Allegiance, Citizenship and the Law: The Enigma of Belonging by Helen Irving. A response. Globalcit.
Contribution to a Collected edition (2)
Contribution to a Collected edition
Pougnet, R. (2024). Retour de la déchéance de nationalité au XXIème siècle: Entre politisation de l'appartenance, État contre-terroriste, et le cas particulier du Royaume-Uni. In & (Eds.), Perdre sa nationalité (pp. 85–94). Paris: Dalloz.
Contribution to a Collected edition
Pougnet, R. (2017). Images of citizenship at points of rupture between the citizen and the state: cancellation of citizenship in France and in the UK. In & (Eds.), The future of human rights in the UK (pp. 27–50). Newcastle: Cambridge.
Blog Post (6)
Blog Post
Pougnet, R. (2022, January 26). Clause 9 of the Nationality and Borders Bill: An (Un)exceptional Event. Verfassungsblog. doi:10.17176/20220126-180324-0
Blog Post
Pougnet, R. (2021, October 21). Expert opinion: How the Netherlands, France and the UK are leaving children stranded at risk of statelessness in Iraq and Syria. European Network on Statelessness Blog.
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Blog Post
Pougnet, R. (2021, September 27). Can collaboration between academics and non-profits help protect citizenship rights? University of Bristol Law School Blog.
Blog Post
Pougnet, R. (2021, March 3). Shamima Begum before the Supreme Court: deepening legal holes. Globalcit.
Blog Post
Pougnet, R. (2020, July 16). Citizenship and the fall of the British Empire: A system of exclusion. European Network on Statelessness Blog.
Blog Post
Pougnet, R. (2017, October 16). Why do proposed national security measures get dropped? The four months after the Paris attacks and the French national debate on cancellation of citizenship. University of Bristol Law School Blog.