Publications of Hans-Jörg Albrecht

Conference Paper (71)

Conference Paper
Albrecht, H.-J. (2004). Pre-Trial Detention in Germany – The Empirical Situation. In H.-J. Albrecht & G. Chen (Eds.), & , Coercive Measures in a Socio-legal Comparison of the People`s Republic of China and Germany (pp. 117–136) Criminological Research Reports from the Max Planck Institute for Foreign and International Criminal Law. Freiburg i. Br.: edition iuscrim.
Conference Paper
Albrecht, H.-J. (2004). Prisons and Alternatives to Prisons in Europe: Changes and Prospects. In Hungarian Society of Criminology (Ed.), Special Edition of the Proceedings of Criminology: New Tendencies in Crime and Criminal Policy in Central and Eastern Europe. International Course of the International Society for Criminology 11-14 March 2003, Miskolc/Hungary (pp. 179–199). Miskolc: Bíbor Publishing House.
Conference Paper
Albrecht, H.-J. (2004). Delincuencia Juvenil y la Reforma en las Leyes Menores. In INACIPE (Ed.), Congreso Internacional. Las Ciencias Penales en el Siglo XXI (pp. 685–716). México: INACIPE.
Conference Paper
Albrecht, H.-J. (2003). Shenqian jiya - shizheng de qingkuang. In H.-J. Albrecht & G. Chen (Eds.), Zhong-De qiangzhi cuoshi guoji yantaohui lunwenji (Proceedings of Sino-German Symposium on Compulsory Measures) (pp. 120–139). Beijing: The Chinese People's Public Security University Publishers.
Conference Paper
Albrecht, H.-J. (2003). The Place of Electronic Monitoring in the Development of Criminal Punishment and Systems of Sanctions. In M. Mayer, R. Haverkamp, & R. Lévy (Eds.), & , Will Electronic Monitoring Have a Future in Europe?: Contributions from a European Workshop, June 2002 (pp. 249–264) Criminological Research Reports from the Max Planck Institute for Foreign and International Criminal Law. Freiburg i. Br.: edition iuscrim.
Conference Paper
Albrecht, H.-J. (2003). Criminal Prosecution: a View on International Standards and Trends. In Danish Institute for Human Rights (Ed.), Rule of Law and Fair Trial. Collected Papers from the Second Roundtable under the EU-Iran Human Rights Dialogue (pp. 51–80). Copenhagen: Danish Institute for Human Rights.
Conference Paper
Albrecht, H.-J. (2003). Criminal Prosecution: a View on International Standards and Trends. In Danish Institute for Human Rights (Ed.), Rule of Law and Fair Trial. Collected Papers from the Second Roundtable under the EU-Iran Human Rights Dialogue (pp. 43–63). Copenhagen: Danish Institute for Human Rights.
Conference Paper
Albrecht, H.-J. (2002). Organisierte Wirtschaftskriminalität - Ein fassbarer Tatbestand? In Polizei-Führungsakademie (Ed.), Rechtliche und strategische Aspekte der Kontrolle der organisierten Wirtschaftskriminalität. Seminar vom 05. bis 08. Juni 2001 (pp. 123–144). Münster: Polizei-Führungsakademie.
Conference Paper
Albrecht, H.-J. (2002). Effizienter Jugendschutz im Rundfunk durch Ordnungswidrigkeiten- und Kriminalrecht. In Bayerische Landeszentreale für neue Medien (BLM) (Ed.), BLM-Symposion Medienrecht 2001 (pp. 87–105) BLM-Schriftenreihe. München: R. Fischer.
Conference Paper
Albrecht, H.-J. (2002). The UN Transnational Crime Convention - An Introduction. In H.-J. Albrecht & C. Fijnaut (Eds.), & , The Containment of Transnational Organized Crime. Comments on the UN Convention of December 2000 (pp. 1–18) Criminological Research Reports from the Max Planck Institute for Foreign and International Criminal Law. Freiburg i. Br.: edition iuscrim.
Conference Paper
Albrecht, H.-J. (2002). The Death Penalty in China: Placing the Chinese Death Penalty Policies in International Perspectives [English and Chinese]. In Facultade de Direito, Universidad Nova de Lisboa (Ed.), EU-China Human Rights Dialogue. Working paper of the Third Seminar held in Lisbon 8-9 May 2000 (pp. 11–57). Lisbon.
Conference Paper
Albrecht, H.-J. (2002). Xingshi susong zhong de biantong zhengce yiji jianchaguan zai fating shenli kaishi qian de zuoyong. In Sifabu yufang fanzui yanjiusuo (Bianyin) [Institut für Verbrechensprävention beim Justizministerium der Volksrepublik China] (Ed.), Y. Zhao (Trans.), Zhong-De di-3 jie, di-4 jie xingfaxue, fanzuixue yantaohui wenji [Drittes und viertes deutsch-chinesisches Kolloquium über Strafrecht und Kriminologie] (pp. 25–33). Beijing.
Conference Paper
Albrecht, H.-J. (2002). Trafficking in Humans – Theory, Phenomenon and Criminal Law based responses. In International Association of Prosecutors (Ed.), 7Th Annual Conference and General Meeting of the International Association of Prosecutors, 8th to 12th September 2002, London, United Kingdom [CD-ROM]. London: CPS.
Conference Paper
Albrecht, H.-J. (2002). Trafficking in Humans, Drugs and Money. In International Association of Prosecutors (Ed.), 7Th Annual Conference and General Meeting of the International Association of Prosecutors, 8th to 12th September 2002, London, United Kingdom [CD-ROM]. London: CPS.
Conference Paper
Albrecht, H.-J., & Paoli, L. (2002). Cannabis Policies in Frankfurt. In Ministry of Justice [The Netherlands] (Ed.), European City Conference on Cannabis Policy, 6, 7, 8 December 2001. Conference book (pp. 75–89). Utrecht.
Conference Paper
Albrecht, H.-J. (2001). Investigaciones sobre criminalidad económica en Europa: Conceptos y comprobaciones empíricas. In Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (Ed.), Modernas Tendencias en la Ciencia del Derecho Penal y en la Criminología (Actas del Congreso internacional, Madrid, 6-10 de noviembre de 2000) (pp. 259–282). Madrid: UNED.
Conference Paper
Albrecht, H.-J. (2001). Transnationale Kriminalität und internationale Instrumente zu ihrer Bekämpfung. In Polizei-Führungsakademie (Ed.), Planung der Kriminalitätskontrolle. Seminar vom 10. bis 12. Januar 2001 (pp. 241–259). Münster.
Conference Paper
Albrecht, H.-J. (2001). Entwicklungen der Kriminalität, Ursachen und die Rolle der Kriminalpolitik. In H. J. Hirsch (Ed.), Krise des Strafrechts und der Kriminalwissenschaften? Tagungsbeiträge eines Symposiums der Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung, Bonn-Bad Godesberg, veranstaltet vom 1. bis 5. Oktober 2000 in Bamberg (pp. 17–58). Berlin: Duncker & Humblot.
Conference Paper
Albrecht, H.-J. (2001). Science and Society: Role of the Social Sciences and the Legal Systems. In Reconstruction of Scientific Cooperation in South East Europe. International Conference of Experts, Venice, Italy, 24-27 March 2001 – Proceedings (pp. 247–249). Venice.
Conference Paper
Albrecht, H.-J. (2000). Rechtsstaatliche Grenzen. In Polizei-Führungsakademie (PFA) (Ed.), Aktuelle Rechtsprobleme im Zusammenhang mit der Bekämpfung der Organisierten Kriminalität. Schlussbericht des Seminars vom 2.-4. Februar 2000 (pp. 45–66). Münster-Hiltrup.
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