Publications of Jean-Louis Van Gelder

Journal Article (67)

Journal Article
Eisner, M., Averdijk, M., Kaiser, D., Murray, A. L., Nivette, A., Shanahan, L., … Ribeaud, D. (2021). The association of polyvictimization with violent ideations in late adolescence and early adulthood: A longitudinal study. Aggressive Bahavior, 47(4), 472–482. doi:10.1002/ab.21965
Journal Article
Defoe, I. N., Van Gelder, J.-L., Ribeaud, D., & Eisner, M. (2021). The Co-development of Friends’ Delinquency with Adolescents’ Delinquency and Short-term Mindsets: The Moderating Role of Co-Offending. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, (50), 1601–1615. doi:10.1007/s10964-021-01417-z
Journal Article
Fehribach, J. R., Toffolo, M. B. J., Cornelisz, I., Van Klaveren, C., Van Straten, A., Van Gelder, J.-L., & Donker, T. (2021). Virtual reality self-help treatment for aviophobia: protocol for a randomized controlled trial. JMIR Res Protoc, 10(4), e22008. doi:10.2196/22008
Journal Article
Donker, T., Van Klaveren, C., Cornelisz, I., Kok, R. N., & Van Gelder, J.-L. (2020). Analysis of Usage Data from a Self-Guided App-Based Virtual Reality Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Acrophobia: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 9(6). doi:10.3390/jcm9061614
Journal Article
Meenaghan, A., Nee, C., Van Gelder, J.-L., Vernham, Z., & Otte, M. (2020). Expertise, Emotion and Specialization in the Development of Persistent Burglary. The British Journal of Criminology, 60(3), 742–761. doi:10.1093/bjc/azz078
Journal Article
Van Sintemaartensdijk, I., Van Gelder, J.-L., Van Prooijen, J.-W., Nee, C., Otte, M., & Van Lange, P. (2020). Mere presence of informal guardians deters burglars: a virtual reality study. Journal of Experimental Criminology. doi:10.1007/s11292-020-09430-1
Journal Article
Van Gelder, J.-L., Averdjk, M., Ribeaud, D., & Eisner, M. (2020). Sanctions, short‐term mindsets, and delinquency: Reverse causality in a sample of high school youth. Legal and Criminological Psychology. doi:10.1111/lcrp.12170
Journal Article
Cornet, L. J. M., & Van Gelder, J.-L. (2020). Virtual reality: a use case for criminal justice practice. Psychology, Crime & Law. doi:10.1080/1068316X.2019.1708357
Journal Article
Cornet, L. J. M., & Van Gelder, J.-L. (2020). Virtual Reality: Een veelbelovende tool voor risicotaxatie, gedragsinterventie en re-integratie. Sancties: Tijdschrift over straffen en maatregelen in het strafrecht, (4), 261–267.
Journal Article
Donker, T., Cornelisz, I., Van Klaveren, C., Van Straten, A., Carlbring, P., Cuijpers, P., & Van Gelder, J.-L. (2019). Effectiveness of Self-guided App-Based Virtual Reality Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Acrophobia: A Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA Psychiatry, 76(7), 682–690. doi:10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2019.0219
Journal Article
Nee, C., Van Gelder, J.-L., Otte, M., Vernham, Z., & Meenaghan, A. (2019). Learning on the job: Studying expertise in residential burglars using virtual environments. Criminology. doi:10.1111/1745-9125.12210
Journal Article
Van Gelder, J.-L. (2019). Criminologie in de jaren twintig van de 21e eeuw: Technologie van en het zoeken naar oorzaken van crimineel gedrag. Tijdschrift voor Criminologie, 61(4), 349–358. doi:10.5553/TvC/0165182X2019061004004
Journal Article
Van Gelder, J.-L., De Vries, R. E., Demetriou, A., Van Sintemaartensdijk, I., & Donker, T. (2019). The Virtual Reality Scenario Method: Moving from Imagination to Immersion in Criminal Decision-making Research. Journal of research in crime and delinquency, 56(3), 451–480. doi:10.1177/0022427818819696
Journal Article
Weulen Kranenbarg, M., Holt, T. J., & Van Gelder, J.-L. (2019). Offending and Victimization in the Digital Age: Comparing Correlates of Cybercrime and Traditional Offending-Only, Victimization-Only and the Victimization-Offending Overlap. Deviant Behavior, 40(1), 40–55. doi:10.1080/01639625.2017.1411030
Journal Article
Weulen Kranenbarg, M., Ruiter, S., & Van Gelder, J.-L. (2019). Do cyber-birds flock together? Comparing deviance among social network members of cyber-dependent offenders and traditional offenders. European Journal of Criminology. doi:10.1177/1477370819849677
Journal Article
Meenaghan, A., Nee, C., Van Gelder, J.-L., Otte, M., & Vernham, Z. (2018). Getting Closer to the Action: Using the Virtual Enactment Method to Understand Burglary. Deviant Behavior, 39(4), 437–460. doi:10.1080/01639625.2017.1407104
Journal Article
Van Gelder, J.-L., Averdijk, M., Ribeaud, D., & Eisner, M. (2018). Punitive parenting and delinquency: The mediating role of short-term mindsets. British journal of criminology, 58(3), 644–666. doi:10.1093/bjc/azx042
Journal Article
Van Gelder, J.-L., Martin, C., Van Prooijen, J.-W., De Vries, R., Marsman, M., Averdijk, M., … Donker, T. (2018). Seeing is Believing? Comparing Negative Affect, Realism and Presence in Visual Versus Written Guardianship Scenarios. Deviant Behavior, 39(4), 461–474. doi:10.1080/01639625.2017.1407106
Journal Article
Weulen Kranenbarg, M., Ruiter, S., Van Gelder, J.-L., & Bernasco, W. (2018). Cyber-Offending and Traditional Offending over the Life-Course: an Empirical Comparison. Journal of Developmental and Life-Course Criminology, 4(3), 343–364. doi:10.1007/s40865-018-0087-8
Journal Article
De Vries, R. E., Pathak, R. D., Van Gelder, J.-L., & Singh, G. (2017). Explaining Unethical Business Decisions: The role of personality, environment, and states. Personality and individual differences, 117, 188–197. doi:10.1016/j.paid.2017.06.007
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