Main Focus
Thomas Wahl specializes in European criminal law. He focuses on the legal instruments adopted at the level of the European Union and the Council of Europe that harmonize criminal law, foster mutual cooperation between law enforcement authorities, and establish central actors responsible for the investigation, prosecution, and prevention of crime. His current research more specifically addresses the following issues:
- Extradition law, in particular a comparison between the surrender of persons via the European Arrest Warrant (based on the principle of mutual recognition of judicial decisions) and “conventional” extraditions on the basis of the legal framework of the Council of Europe;
- International cooperation in criminal matters and the public order;
- Mutual legal assistance, in particular the use of evidence gathered abroad;
- European Investigation Order;
- Data protection in police and judicial co-operation in Europe;
- New architecture of European law enforcement, in particular the European Public Prosecutor’s Office;
- Procedural safeguards, in particular their harmonization by EU law;
- Combating terrorism within the EU.
Curriculum Vitae
Thomas Wahl has been Head of the Section for “European Criminal Law” since February 2016, a position he also held in the years 2004 to 2009. From 2009 to 2011 he worked at the Federal Office of Justice (Bundesamt für Justiz) in the units (Referate) for "Extradition, Enforcement Assistance, Mutual Legal Assistance, EJN [Auslieferung, Vollstreckungs- und Rechtshilfe, EJN],“ „Criminology, Criminal Preventions, Judicial Statistics,“ [Kriminologie, Kriminalprävention, Justizstatistik] and “Disciplinary Fining Proceedings for breach of disclosure obligations in accordance with the German Commercial Code [Ordnungsgeldverfahren bei Jahresabschlüssen].“ Between 2011 and 2013 he served as national expert for Germany in the EU funded project „An Additional Evaluation Mechanism on Judicial Cooperation in Criminal Matters. Pilot project on the conditions for issuing a European Arrest Warrant, in particular relating to the proportionality of the decision,” a joint collaboration with the Ministries of Justice of the Netherlands and France.
Thomas Wahl assumed a research position with the KORSE network in
the Centre for Security and Society at the University of Freiburg
i.Br./Germany. He did research on the “Shifting of interests in
European extradition law” and provided expertise on other
questions of European security law.
Thomas Wahl contributed to numerous research projects on various
topics of European criminal law such as „Systematization and
presentation of European and Europeanized criminal law
[Systematische Darstellung des Europäischen Strafrechts],“
„Handbook on civil security [Rechtshandbuch zivile Sicherheit],“ a
study for the European Parliament entitled „Criminal procedural
laws across the European Union – A comparative analysis of
selected main differences and the impact they have over the
development of EU legislation [country report on Germany],” an
ECLAN-study on „The future of mutual recognition in criminal
matters in the European Union [country report Germany],“ and a
study for OLAF on „Development of an EU Evaluation Mechanism in
the area of Anti-Corruption with a particular focus on
identifying and reducing the costs of corruption in Public
Procurement involving EU Funds.“
Thoas Wahl is managing editor of „eucrim“. “eucrim” is an online platform that serves as a Europe-wide forum for European criminal law and intends to encourage discussion among both practitioners and academics. The publication is co-financed by the European Commission and each journal issue is dedicated to a specific topic of European criminal law. Thomas Wahl’s editorial functions include the analysis and presentation of current developments in the European Union and the Council of Europe related to criminal law. He is also responsible for maintaining the high standard of quality required for scientific articles published online and/or in the journal.
Thomas Wahl co-founded the „extradition forum“ in 2016, which provides a setting for practitioners and academics to discuss on a regular basis current developments, topics and cases involving international extradition and the European Arrest Warrant.