Dr. Dr. h.c. Michael Kilchling

Senior Researcher

Main Focus

  • Or­gan­ized crime
  • ter­ror­ism
  • money laun­der­ing
  • con­fis­ca­tion of il­leg­al pro­ceeds
  • pub­lic pro­sec­u­tion
  • ju­ven­ile justice
  • pen­al sanc­tions and sanc­tion­ing sys­tems
  • res­tor­at­ive justice (vic­tim/of­fend­er me­di­ation)
  • vic­timo­logy

Curriculum Vitae

  • 1979–85: Stud­ies in law and crim­in­o­logy, Uni­versity of Freiburg i. Br.
  • 1985: Uni­versity gradu­ation (first State ex­am)
  • 1986–89: Re­search as­sist­ant to Prof. Dr. Gün­ther Kais­er, Max Planck In­sti­tute for For­eign and In­ter­na­tion­al Crim­in­al Law, de­part­ment of crim­in­o­logy
  • 1986–89: Ref­er­endari­at (high­er State train­ing in law)
  • 1989: Second State ex­am
  • 1989–95: Doc­tor­ate, schol­ar­ship of the Max Planck So­ci­ety, re­search in vic­timo­logy
  • 1995: Doc­tor­al thes­is “Op­fer­int­eressen und Strafver­fol­gung” [in­terests of the vic­tim and pub­lic pro­sec­u­tion],
    awar­ded Dr. jur. (summa cum laude)
  • since 1996: Re­search­er, Max Planck In­sti­tute, de­part­ment of crim­in­o­logy
  • since 1999: Seni­or re­search­er, Max Planck In­sti­tute (de­part­ment of crim­in­o­logy, since 2019 de­part­ment of pub­lic law)
  • 1999–2005: De­part­ment­al man­ager, Max Planck In­sti­tute (de­part­ment of crim­in­o­logy)
  • 1999–2007: Pub­lic re­la­tions co­ordin­at­or, Max Planck In­sti­tute (de­part­ment of crim­in­o­logy)
  • since 2006: Lec­turer, Uni­versity of Freiburg, Fac­ulty of Law
  • 2021: Doctor Honoris Causa, University of Pécs, Hungary


Locked Up and Left Behind? Legal and Practical Conditions for Telephone Contacts of Imprisoned People

Heads of project: Michael Kilchling, Gunda Wössner
Access to telephone and other forms of electronic communication is one of the areas in which prison conditions vary significantly in Germany. The divergent conditions raise several fundamental human rights concerns, such as equal treatment of inmates, the right of resocialization, and the rights to privacy and family life. more

Periodic Surveillance Barometer for Germany

Heads of project: Ralf Poscher, Michael Kilchling
State surveillance measures and their impact on constitutional freedoms have long been the subject of legal and political discourse. Building on prior, mainly theoretical, considerations about the need for realizing an “overall accounting” of surveillance, we began developing a broader conceptual approach for establish­ing a periodic… more

Comparative European Study – Rights After Conviction

Head of project: Michael Kilchling
This comparative European study identifies and analyses the rules governing abrogation or temporary restrictions on civil and political rights imposed with criminal penalties. Historically, these restrictions originated with honour-related punishments common in the 18th, 19th and early 20th centuries. more

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