Johannes Stefan Weigel

Doctoral Researcher
Independent Research Group Criminal Law Theory

Main Focus

  • Foundations of culpability
  • Fundamentals and basic issues of criminal liability for risk-taking
  • History of criminal law

Curriculum Vitae

July 2023–present: Doctoral researcher at the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Crime, Security and Law (member of Independent Research Group “Criminal Law Theory”).

2023–present: scholarship from the Cusanuswerk doctoral program (Promotionsförderung).

2017–present: student assistant, then research assistant at the Chair of Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure Law held by Prof. Dr. Uwe Murmann at the University of Göttingen.

2021: First State Exam (Law).

2016–2021: Studied law at the University of Göttingen.


Criminalising Carelessness. Comparative and Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Criminal Liability for Inadvertent Negligence

Heads of project: Philipp-Alexander Hirsch, Johannes Weigel
Can we punish people for crimes they didn’t even know they committed? Ul­ti­mately, the answer to this question lies at the core of criminal liability for in­ad­vert­ent negligence. But legal systems respond very differently. Although most civil law jurisdictions seem to have no problem… more

The Criminal Liability of Inadvertent Negligence from a German and Anglo-American Perspective

Head of project: Johannes Weigel
The criminalization of inadvertent negligence has long been deliberated in Ger­man criminal law scholarship, although the debate seems largely to have come to a standstill in recent dec­ades. Today, most scholars defend the existing crimi­nal­ization by means of a (purely) norm-based allocation of blame. more



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