Büşra Elif Yelbuz

Doctoral Researcher
Independent Research Group Personality, Identity, and Crime
+49 761 7081-376

Main Focus

Büsra Yelbuz’s research focuses on the dispositional and social factors that influence selectivity in prosocial and anti­social behaviour. The first part of her PhD project tackles the question of why some individuals are more selective than others in who they are prosocial towards, and whether such individual differences can be explained by personality traits. She is also working on adapting well-established measures of prosocial behavior to capture inter-individual variance in selective prosociality.
Büsra Yelbuz is Open Science Ambassador at the MPI-CSL.

Curriculum Vitae

  • 2022–present: PhD student, Max Planck Institute for the Study of Crime, Security and Law, Department of Criminol­ogy, Freiburg, Germany (Supervisor: Isabel Thielmann).
  • 2020–2022: MA in Psychology, Yasar University, Turkey (Supervisor: Sinan Alper).
  • 2014–2018: B.Sc. in Psychology, Izmir University of Economics, Turkey (Supervisors: Seda Dural & Canan Başar-Eroglu).


Individual Differences in Selective Prosociality

Head of project: Isabel Thielmann (PI); contributor/researcher: Büşra Elif Yelbuz
Individuals select who they want to be prosocial towards. This is backed up by a longstanding literature showing that humans have the tendency to be prosocial towards certain people or groups rather than others. Yet, sur­pris­ingly, up until this point, no research has systematically investigated individual… more

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