Indira Tie


Curriculum Vitae

In­dira Tie was born in Ger­many, grew up in Canada, and stud­ied lit­er­at­ure and lan­guages in both coun­tries, sup­por­ted by a grant from the Ger­man Aca­dem­ic Ex­change Ser­vice. She com­pleted her M.A. in Eng­lish and Ger­man Philo­logy at the Al­bert Lud­wig Uni­versity of Freiburg with a thes­is on Ca­na­dian lit­er­at­ure (Prof. Dr. Paul Goetsch). Dur­ing her uni­versity stud­ies, she also worked as an aca­dem­ic as­sist­ant in the Eng­lish De­part­ment (Prof. Dr. Bri­gitte Halford).

From 1991-1993, In­dira Tie was an ed­it­or­i­al as­sist­ant in a pub­lish­ing firm for sci­entif­ic Eng­lish-lan­guage journ­als, and she gave Eng­lish les­sons as a freel­ance teach­er at the Ger­man-Amer­ic­an In­sti­tute in Freiburg from 1991-1994. She took on a po­s­i­tion as a trans­lat­or in a glob­al phar­ma­ceut­ic­al com­pany in 1994 and joined the In­ter­na­tion­al Med­ic­al Re­search De­part­ment at that firm in 2001. In­dira Tie was li­censed as a Cer­ti­fied Trans­lat­or in 1995 – spe­cial­iz­ing in sci­entif­ic trans­la­tion – and has worked as a freel­ance trans­lat­or throughout her pro­fes­sion­al ca­reer.

In­dira Tie ac­cep­ted a po­s­i­tion as a trans­lat­or in the Trans­la­tion Sec­tion of the De­part­ment of Crim­in­al Law at the Max Planck In­sti­tute for For­eign and In­ter­na­tion­al Crim­in­al Law in 2005. She trans­lates and proofreads aca­dem­ic art­icles, re­ports, and news bul­let­ins on crim­in­al law and crim­in­al policy and serves as a lan­guage con­sult­ant and ed­it­or­i­al as­sist­ant to the re­port­ers and Man­aging Ed­it­ors of eu­crim. As vice chair­per­son (May 2006–May 2010) and chairperson (May 2010–May 2022) of the In­sti­tute's works coun­cil, she gained spe­cial­ized know­ledge of labor le­gis­la­tion and the Ger­man Em­ploy­ees' Rep­res­ent­a­tion Act. She continues to serve on the coun­cil.
