Inequality: A Key Social Determinant
Guest Lecture Series “Society: Status Quo and Normative Change”
- Date: Nov 30, 2022
- Time: 05:00 PM - 07:00 PM (Local Time Germany)
- Speaker: Prof. Dr. em. Richard Wilkinson, FFPH
- For nearly 50 years now, Prof. Dr. em. Richard Wilkinson has investigated the effects of income inequality which he found to produce a range of health and social problems. This work culminated in well-known TED talks and books (e.g., “The Spirit Level: Why More Equal Societies Almost Always Do Better”, co-authored by Kate Pickett). In 2009, he co-founded The Equality Trust, a network aiming to reduce structural inequalities in the UK. In academic terms, Richard is Emeritus Professor of Social Epidemiology at the University of Nottingham Medical School, Honorary Professor at University College London, and Honorary Visiting Professor at the University of York.
- Video: with video podcast (link see below)
- Location: Freiburg – via Zoom (link see below)
- Host: Max Planck Institute for the Study of Crime, Security and Law
- Contact:

Societies with bigger income differences between rich and poor suffer from higher rates of a wide range of health and social problems, including poorer life expectancy, worse mental health, more violence, drug abuse, and lower levels of trust. The effects of inequality also reduce the prospects of moving towards environmental sustainability, and our general willingness to pull together and provide mutual support. Prof. Dr. em. Wilkinson will also elaborate on social and psychological processes behind these patterns.
Inequality: A Key Social Determinant
Guest Lecture by Prof. Dr. em. Richard Wilkinson, FFPH, November 30, 2022
– Guest Lecture Series “Society: Status Quo and Normative Change” –
– Guest Lecture Series “Society: Status Quo and Normative Change” –