Dr. Lucas Montenegro, LL.M.


Main Focus

Lucas Montenegro is interested in the foundations of criminal law and specific questions of criminal law doctrine. To date, his main research focuses have been the structure of the criminal offense (Verbrechenslehre), particularly cul­pa­bil­ity (Schuld), and, in the Special Part, homicide and offenses involving criminal organizations. His postdoctoral degree project (Habilitation) is a study of confiscation in criminal law.

Curriculum Vitae

Since 2023: Postdoc researcher, Max Planck Institute for the Study of Crime, Security and Law, Department of Criminal Law

2022: Doctorate, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

2017–2023: Research assistant at the Chair of Criminal Law, Legal Philosophy/Legal Theory, Prof. Dr. Joachim Renzikowski, Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg

2015: LL.M., University of Göttingen

2008–2013: Study of law, Federal University of Ceará (Brazil)


Confiscation in Criminal Law

Head of project: Lucas Montenegro
Confiscation as a legal consequence of a criminal offense is becoming in­creas­ingly important worldwide, particu­larly in the fight against economic crime. The increasing relevance of this kind of confiscation goes hand in hand with the in­creasing flexibility of traditional criminal law principles. more
