Cristina Valega Chipoco, MSt (University of Oxford)

Doctoral Researcher

Main Focus

  • Gender, sexualities, and law
  • Consent and sexual offences
  • Gender-based violence, gender stereotypes, and international human rights law

Curriculum Vitae

  • Since August 2022: Doctoral researcher at the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Crime, Security and Law, Department of Criminal Law
  • Since March 2022: Docent at the Law Department of Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
  • 2022: Academic Visitor at the Centre for Socio-Legal Studies at the University of Oxford
  • 2021–2022: Consultant for the Gender Justice Commission of the Peruvian Judiciary
  • 2020–2021: Master of Studies (MSt) in Women’s Studies at the University of Oxford (Thesis: How Should the Element of “Free Consent” in the Peruvian Rape Offence be Understood?: Legal Guidelines to Interpret Article 170 of the Criminal Code)
  • 2020: Research Consultant on the impact of gender stereotypes in consumption and advertising in Peru for the United Nations Development Programme in Lima
  • 2019–2020: Lawyer at the Department of Gender-Based Violence and Project Coordinator for the Design of a National Strategy on Gender-Based Violence Prevention of the Peruvian Ministry of Women and Vulnerable Populations (Ministerio de la Mujer y Poblaciones Vulnerables)
  • 2019: Exam for the law degree (Thesis: “Un-Stereotyping the Law?: an Analysis of the Interpretation Made by INDECOPI of the Commercial Advertising Legislation in Cases of Advertising Questioned for Containing Gender Stereotypes Considered Discriminatory Against Women”)
  • 2017–2019: Human rights’ legal assistant at the Social Responsibility Academic Office of the Law Department at Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
  • 2010–2016: Study of Law, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú


Scales, law, project description: Legal Perspectives on Acts of Sexual Violence through Condom Deception as a Means of Vitiating Sexual Consent (“Stealthing”)

Head of project: Cristina Valega Chipoco
The outcome of this research project will be a contribution to an edited volume coordinated by the Universidad del Rosario (Colombia) and the Network of Latin American Law Scholars (Red ALAS). The overall aim of the book is to examine condom deception as a form of sexual violence from a legal perspective, focusing on the unique… more

Faces, vector graphic. Project description: Analysis of the Constitutional Gender Order in 21st Century Peruvian Jurisprudence

Head of project: Cristina Valega Chipoco
The outcome of this research project will be a collaborative contribution to an edited volume on gender and consti­tu­tionalism in Latin America, forthcoming from Routledge, which undertakes a close examination of the role of con­sti­tu­tional law and litigation in addressing the rights and claims of women and LGBTQIA+ people. more

The Criminalization of Femicide: A Comparative Legal Perspective

Heads of project: Konstanze Jarvers, Emily Silverman, Cristina Valega Chipoco
Killings of women, the most serious form of gender-based violence, is a phenomenon that has existed worldwide since time immemorial. And yet it has only recently become the focus of cultural and legal debate. With that in mind, this international comparative research project focuses on the… more

The Element of Non-Consent in the Offence of Rape: A Focus on Peruvian Law

Head of project: Cristina Valega Chipoco
During the past two decades, many transnational and domestic statutes that regulate the offence of rape have turned away from considering violence or threats as necessary modalities of the offence and have begun treating non-consent as its essential element. This transition can be seen in recent interna­tional human rights… more

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