Fundamental Questions of Criminal and Public Security Law

New research series of the Max Planck Institute

December 04, 2023

The Max Planck Institute is launching its new research series on “Fundamental Questions of Criminal and Security Law”. The series is edited by Tatjana Hörnle and Ralf Poscher.

The Max Planck Institute has launched a new research series on fun­da­mental questions of criminal law and security law. It is co-edited by Tatjana Hörnle, head of the Department of Criminal Law, and Ralf Poscher, head of the Department of Public Law at the Institute.

The new research series “Fundamental Questions of Criminal and Public Security Law” is dedicated to the theoretical and systematic foundations of criminal law and public security law – including topics at the intersection of these two disciplines. It seeks to analyze the theoretical, normative, and empirical premises on which the rules of national and international law are based. Previous work in this area has adopted a purely doctrinal perspective that merely systematizes and interprets the existing law – in contrast, the fundamental research approach taken here ideally focuses on theoretical, normative, and empirical precepts and does not cover historical and com­par­ative analyses.

The series is open to outstanding theses (dissertations, habilitations) and independent monographs. Conference pro­ceed­ings and other anthologies can also be included if they are based on a thematically focused overall concept that is consistently oriented towards the analysis of theoretical, normative, and empirical principles of criminal and security law. The new series is published by Mohr Siebeck Verlag.

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