Aniek Siezenga

Doctoral Researcher

Main Focus

Offender rehabilitation – novel technologies in rehabilitation – intervention effectiveness research.

Curriculum Vitae

Aniek Siezenga obtained her master’s degree in Pedagogy and Education from the Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands. Joining the MPI in January 2022, Aniek is a doctoral student in the ERC funded CRIMETIME project (ERC Consolidator Grant 772911). In her PhD project, Aniek is involved in the development of FutureU: a behavioral interven­tion using virtual reality and a smartphone application to reduce crime. She examines how engagement with such tech­nological interventions can be measured and used in effectiveness studies. Aniek is mainly interested in offender re­habil­i­tation, applying novel tech­no­logies in re­ha­bilitation and research, and intervention effectiveness research.

Present Employment:

  • Since 2020: Doctoral Reseacher at Leiden University (Netherlands) as well as at the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Crime, Security and Law

Work Experience:

  • 2020: Lecturer at the Erasmus University Rotterdam, Rotterdam, Netherlands.
  • 2019–2020: Case Manager Social Team, Ridderkerk, Netherlands.
  • 2017–2018: Therapist at De Waag, Rotterdam, Netherlands.
  • 2016–2017: Trainee at De Waag, Rotterdam, Netherlands.
  • 2016: Trainee at the Pedagocical Practice Mischa Wink, Utrecht, Niederlande.


  • 2017: M.Sc. Pedagogy and Education, Erasmus University Rotterdam.
  • 2016: B.Sc. Educational Sciences, Erasmus University Rotterdam.



Head of project: Jean-Louis van Gelder
FutureU is a novel and scalable behavioral intervention to increase future-orientation in offenders by connecting them to their future self. The research program, which was started with the (Dutch) Probation Service as a partner and stakeholder, is premised on the well-established notion that delinquents often live like there is… more

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